Monitor Activities and Messages

Use this screen to view activities you must complete in workflows.

You can assign activities to yourself, start activities, or complete activities. You can also use this screen to view messages, notifying you that other users have completed workflow activities. You can also delete these messages.

Use this screen to monitor workflow activities and messages. You can set up inbox options to refresh the lists and notify you when there are new activities and messages. In accordance with the settings of your inbox options, the database are polled automatically for new activities and messages. The activities and messages are sorted by Date/Time and then Priority.

Note: You can also receive activity and message notifications through email. When an activity needs to be completed, you will receive a message in your email system. The following items are included in the email message: workflow name, case, case value list, activity name, role, user ID, and priority.

You will receive an email message when the activity is complete. The following items are included in the email message: workflow name, case, case value list, completed activity name, completed option name, completing user ID, completing user name, completion date, and priority. If a workflow notification is routed through email, it is automatically removed from the message inbox.

To use an email system to receive notification of activities and messages, complete the email section of the Configure System Settings screen. Also, you must activate email on a user-by-user basis in the Manage Users screen.

All users associated with roles in defined workflows must use this screen. You may want to keep this screen active, so that you are notified of your new workflow activities.

You must set up the following screens before using this screen:

  • Manage Workflow Case Labels
  • Manage Workflow Role Filters
  • Manage Workflow Roles
  • Manage Workflow Models
Note: You must also start a workflow case using the Manage Workflow Cases screen.