Contents of the Employee Security Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Employee Security screen.


Field Description
First Name

This field displays the first name of the selected employee.

Last Name

This field displays the last name of the selected employee.

Employee ID

This field displays the code that uniquely identifies the employee.


This field displays the title of the selected employee.

Home Org

This field displays the home organization assigned to the employee.

Status This field displays the employee status code from the employee record.

This check box displays as selected if the employee is a contractor.

U.S. Person Status

This field displays the status of employees in regards to their citizenship of the United States.

Green Card

Field Description

If the employee is not a U.S. citizen, this field displays their Visa status.


This field displays the description of the Visa code.

Resident Date

This field displays the date on which the employee became a permanent resident.

Expiration Date

This field displays the date on which the employee's green card expires as specified on the employee's green card.


Field Description

This field displays the employee's ITAR status. ITAR Status options are:

  • U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR (Stored as U)
  • Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption (Stored as F)
  • Not Authorized (Stored as N)
  • Not Applicable (Stored as NA)
Start Date This field displays the date on which the employee became authorized for ITAR. If the person has been a U.S. Person since birth, this field displays the person's birth date.
End Date

This field displays the date on which the employee ITAR authorization ends. This is normally used when the employee is a foreign person but has Department of State authorization or special exemption.

Date Verified

If applicable, this field displays the date on which the verifying employee verified the employee's ITAR status.

Verified By

This field displays the employee that verified the employee's ITAR status.


This field displays as selected if the employee has an ITAR status of N (Not Authorized) and is designated as an individual that has been denied export privileges.


This field displays any notes about the employee's ITAR status.