View Employee Labor

You can filter the information in the employee labor history that you want to view.

To view employee labor information:

  1. In the Select by group box, specify whether you want to view labor history by Employee, Home Org, or Home GLC.
  2. In the Fiscal Year field, select the fiscal year that applies to the labor history that you want to view.
  3. In the Employee field, enter, or click to select the employee for which you want to view labor history.

    Leave this field blank to view labor history for all employees. If you select the Home Organization option in the Select by group box, the Home Organization field is enabled. If you select the Home GLC option in the Select by group box, the Home GLC field is enabled.

  4. In the Select Employee Status group box, select the employee statuses to include in the inquiry.
  5. Select to view labor history based on the options you selected.