General Settings Tab

Use the fields on this tab to establish batch entry retry defaults and to activate the segregation of duties functionality.

Also use this tab to enable the autocomplete feature and auto position mode, and to indicate the email address to be used for licensing messages.

Batch Job Retry Defaults

Field Description
Number of Retries

Enter the desired number of retry attempts before the process or report fails. Enter zero to disable this feature.

Retry Period

Enter the number of minutes that you want to elapse before again trying to run the process or report.

Licensing Email ID

Use this field to enter the email ID that you want to use for issues related to Costpoint licensing.

Enforce Segregation of Duties Rules

Select this check box to have the system enforce segregation of duties rules. If you select this check box, Costpoint checks for conflicting rights set up on the Manage Users and Manage User Groups screens.

Enable AutoComplete

Select this check box to enable the autocomplete feature for fields that have options. Whenever you enter a value (for example, user ID, buyer name, and vendor address) in a field, autocomplete displays suggested values that you can select and use for that field. For example, when you enter "AI" in a User ID field, autocomplete displays a list of user IDs that start with "AI." You can then select one of those suggested values for the User ID > field.

Use Auto Position mode

Select this check box to make the auto positioning mode a default mode for all users.