Processing Considerations

Processing Constraints

  • The application prevents exporting a record in a given period if depreciation for that record has been posted; that is, ASSET.B1_CUR_POSTED_AMT does not equal zero.
  • The application prevents exporting a record in a given period if the Current Pd Depreciation field does not equal zero; that is, ASSET.B1_CUR_DEPR_AMT does not equal zero.
  • Disposal records are not created for asset records when the Record Status field on the Desc Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen equals Disposal; that is, ASSET.S_STATUS_CD = D.

Timing and Product Interfaces

Use the Export Asset Disposals application prior to starting your monthly Fixed Assets processing. Since the Current Pd Depreciation field and the Amount Posted Curr Pd field must both be equal to zero for a record to be exported, you would normally start your Fixed Assets monthly process by using this process to export any records that are to be moved into another database in the current period.

The header row will contain a fiscal year and period number from Configure Posting Settings; that is, the header row will contain the values FA_SETTINGS.CUR_FY_CD and FA_SETTINGS.CUR_PD_NO for your company ID. The Current Fixed Assets Year and Period must be accurate for both the export and the subsequent import into the destination database by the Import Asset Disposals application, or the asset records disposals, may be posted in the incorrect year/period and the asset may post or not post depreciation in the correct periods. Thus, you should always be prepared to import disposal edit records into the destination database when the Fixed Assets year and period in the providing database’s Manage Posting Settings screen matches the year and period in the destination database’s Manage Posting Settings screen. You should import these records into the destination database in time for imported disposal edit records to be posted prior to posting these disposals, or the assets associated with the disposal edit records should not have depreciation computed and posted on them before these records are posted in the destination database. Procedures should be established and followed so that disposals are posted according to established business practices.

Asset disposal edit records created on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen of the providing database as part of the Fixed Assets Export Process should also be processed at the beginning of the same period in which the export takes place. This process removes the sub-ledger and GL Balance Sheet costs in the same period in which the destination database is presumably adding the Subledger and GL costs.