Store Employee Benefit Options Offered

Run the Store Employee Benefit Options Offered process to store all employee and dependent benefit options offered to employees within the specified taxable entity and date parameters.

For Affordable Care Act tracking, this application should be run on a scheduled basis using a Job Queue. The screen process stores benefit options for any employees where the effective date is within the enrollment dates of the Life Event or Open Enrollment.

Initially, run this process for all preceding months in the calendar year for which you are generating 1095-Cs. After the initial run, Non-ESS Users should run this process at least monthly. For ESS Users, the Activate Pending ESS Benefit Elections screen will automatically gather benefit options offered.

This screen performs the following operations:

  • Selects all full-time (Regular) non-variable-hours employees that have an enrollment period which encompasses the screen Benefit Year. It also determines which, if any, Benefit Package for which they are eligible.
  • Selects all full-time-equivalent employees that have an enrollment period which encompasses the screen Benefit Year. It also determines which, if any, Benefit Package for which they are eligible.
  • Selects all non-full-time and non-full-time-equivalent employees that have an enrollment period which encompasses the screen Benefit Year. It also determines which, if any, Benefit Package for which they are eligible. The application performs this since part-time employees may be eligible for benefits as well.
  • Selects all Employee Life Event records where the Life Event is flagged as a Benefit Qualifying Event and the Benefit Year is within the enrollment period (change period).

You can view and maintain the records created by this process by accessing the Manage Employee Benefits Options Offered screen.