Manage Employee Life Events

Use this screen to assign life event code information to individual employees.

If you select a life event's Benefit Qualifying Event check box, the employee is eligible for benefits enrollment between the Life Event Date and the Change Period End Date. If life event information is set up on the Configure ESS Life Events screen, entering a record into this table enables the employee to go through the life event's user-flow.

Enter dates for the life events as they occur. You must enter all the life events and their corresponding dates before setting up elections (on the Manage Employee Benefit Elections screen) that include plans for which the Qualifying Life Event check box is selected on the Manage Benefit Plans screen. However, you can add to the table at any time, and enter an unlimited number of records.

When you add or delete an employee life event, the application adds or deletes the life event to Self Service Tasks (ESS_TASKS) table. The application inserts and deletes records when you save your changes on the screen.

When you open the screen, the application removes expired employee life event from Self Service Tasks (ESS_TASKS) table.