Processing Considerations

The following topics provide additional information that corresponds to processing the application.

Processing Features

The application allows you to import fixed asset disposal records into Costpoint in the following situations.

  • Use the Import Asset Disposals application when transferring asset disposal records from one Costpoint database to another Costpoint database. In concert with the Export Asset Disposals application, an input file with records to add to the receiver database can be uploaded, validated, and if all of the file records pass validations, the successfully validated records can be processed into the receiver database table as disposal edit records.
  • Use the Import Asset Disposals application when importing large amounts of data from a legacy system other than Costpoint. This method of adding records into Costpoint Fixed Assets validates all the data prior to creating and importing disposal edit records into Costpoint. This process eliminates time spent trying to diagnose why records that are scripted into the Costpoint data tables are not responding to Costpoint applications as expected, and the process provides a helpful report during the validation process that helps determine problems with the import. In addition, an import edit report is available to print for audit and tracking purposes. Note that imports that would have been scripted directly into the Costpoint FA_DISP_EDIT table before this application was available may now be scripted into the preprocessor’s tables, where validations can occur. This process keeps invalid data out of the Costpoint processing data.
  • Use the Import Asset Disposals application to import from both Delimited ASCII files (for previous Costpoint disposal edit exported data or legacy data) or after scripting data from legacy-system tables to Import Asset Disposals tables established for this enhancement.

Timing and Product Interfaces

Use the Import Asset Disposals application during the same fiscal year and period established in the header row of the input file or the header table of the input table. The header row must contain a fiscal year and period number that matches those currently in Configure Posting Settings [FA_SETTINGS.CUR_FY_CD (Current Accounting Fiscal Year) and FA_SETTINGS.CUR_PD_NO (Current Accounting Period)] for the company ID specified in the row. In order to facilitate control over the timing of asset disposals, the Import Asset Disposals application rejects any input file or table data with a fiscal year and period number in the header row that is different from the fiscal year and period number in Posting Settings of the receiving Costpoint system.

For users with multiple Costpoint databases, the Import Asset Disposals application can be used after any relevant Fixed Asset master records have been imported or entered into the receiver database Fixed Assets module, and after the Export Assets Disposals application has been executed on the giver database. The file created by the Export Assets Disposals application becomes the input file for the Import Asset Disposals application.

The file layout for both the Export Asset Disposals and Import Asset Disposals applications are the same. To see the file layout, see the Processing Details topic for the Export Asset Disposals application.