Manage Reference Structures

Use this screen to configure an alternate hierarchy of account/organization combinations, or to configure reference numbers to be able to enter additional information for transactions.

You can use this screen to achieve two goals:

  • If you create an alternate hierarchy of account/organization combinations for financial reporting, you could provide an income statement by product line instead of organization. If the product line information is built into the organization, you can accomplish this by creating a reference structure to represent that hierarchy and then mapping specific account/organization combinations to specific reference elements in the reference structure.
  • If you use reference numbers as a way to enter additional information for transactions, if the product line information was not built into the organization, you would need to enter the product line information for each transaction. The two reference number fields on transaction screens serve that purpose. You can map any number of reference structures to the two fields. When you post journals, information entered in the transaction screen reference fields is stored in the Reference/Account table, in addition to being stored in the General Ledger Detail table. You can then use the Reference/Account table for ad hoc inquiries and reports.

Use this screen to set up the top level of each reference structure and to establish parameters relating to the top level of the reference structure.

If you will use reference numbers in data entry, set them up before data entry begins. If you will use the reference structures as an alternate reporting structure, you can set them up at any time after you link accounts and organizations.

See Reference Numbers for related information.