Post Timesheets

Use the Post Timesheets screen to print the Labor Distribution Journal and to post the labor to the G/L and subsidiary labor tables.

You must print the journal before posting. You can print, review the journal, and then post; or you can elect to start the printing and posting process without any further input.

If the Enable Union Functionality check box (on the Configure Labor Settings screen), the Direct Charge Union Fringe/Employer Contribution check box, and the Direct Charge Workers' Compensation check box (both on the Direct Charge Options subtask of the Configure Payroll Settings screen) are all selected, this application prints an additional report entitled Allocation of Direct Charge Union Fringes to Project. This report shows, on an employee basis, the timesheet date and the fringe amount for each timesheet line.

When posting the Labor Distribution, you always select a fiscal year, period, and/or subperiod for which you want to post timesheets; therefore, you can enter and post timesheets in a future accounting period before the current period is closed. Timesheets that were assigned to the fiscal year, period, and subperiods selected are included in the process, in addition to unposted timesheets for individual timesheet cycles or selected employees.

You can update the Timesheet History to include the reference sequence number and reversing timesheet flag.