Export File Specifications

The Export Timesheets to Paychex process exports timesheet information in a CSV file format.

The process exports timesheet information with the following specifications.

Header Row

Column Field Name Max Field Length Description Value
1 Client ID n/a

Header row value

Left justified

2 Worker ID n/a

Header row value

Left justified

3 Org n/a

Header row value

Left justified

4 Job Number n/a

Header row value

Left justified

5 Pay Component n/a

Header row value

Left justified

6 Rate n/a

Header row value

Left justified

7 Rate # n/a

Header row value

Left justified

8 Hours n/a

Header row value

Left justified

9 Units n/a

Header row value

Left justified

10 Line Date n/a

Header row value

Left justified

11 Amount n/a

Header row value

Left justified

12 Check n/a

Header row value

Left justified

13 Override State n/a

Header row value

Left justified

14 Override Local n/a

Header row value

Left justified

15 Override Local Jurisdiction n/a

Header row value

Left justified

16 Labor Override n/a

Header row value

Left justified


Detail Rows

Column Field Name Max Field Length Description Value
1 Client ID 8 Alphanumeric

Must match the Client ID of the client that the user is logged into while performing the import.

Client ID
2 Worker ID 10 Alphanumeric

Used as identifiable info for pay entry

Worker ID
3 Org 60 Based on 10 level maximum, 6 characters per level

Pipe delimited

For example, 246856|2543|26487|2485 (can have up to 60 digits only based on number of organization units)

4 Job Number 25 Valid Values: all active job numbers set up on the client Empty
5 Pay Component 20 Must be the custom name of an active pay component as it is set up on the client. Case sensitive. Pay Component
6 Rate 4 Range = 0.0001 <= 9999.9999

Overrides any loaded rate or rate # for the earning, if one exists.

An earning can include only one of the following: Rate, Rate#, or Amount.

7 Rate # 1 Denotes which loaded pay rate # to use for the earning. Valid Values - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Overrides any default rate # or rate for the earning, if one exists.

6 = 0.00 Track Memo Hours

8 Hours 7 Range = -999.99 through 999.99

An Earning can include either Hours or Units, not both.

9 Units 8 Range = -999,999 through 999,999 Empty
10 Lane Date 10 mm/dd/yyyy

Only valid for earnings type pay components.

11 Amount 17 Range = -9999999999.99 through 9999999999.99 Amount

If NULL, then this should be empty.

If the Hours column is not NULL or not zero, then this should be empty.

12 Check 2 Valid Values: 1-99 Check
13 Override State 2 Valid 2 Digit State Code

This must be set up on the worker.

Override State

If NULL, then this should be empty.

14 Override Local 15 Local Regulation Abbreviation Names set up for the worker.

Exclusions apply to some PA and OR locals.

15 Override Local Jurisdiction 2 Valid 2 Digit State Code

This is required when there is a value for the Override Local

16 Labor Override 25 Override value for Labor Assignment for the earning Empty