Setting Up Account/Organization Links Subtask

Use the Set Up Account/Organization Links subtask of the Manage Project User Flow to control the creation of valid project/account/organization combinations for charging purposes.

It is required only if you selected the Limit which Orgs can charge specific Accts check box or the Limit Account to P/O/A check box. You must use this subtask only when setting up a project node that is chargeable or has revenue or billing postings. 

  • Revenue and Billing Accounts: Normally, you identify the revenue and billing accounts by assigning the project account group to the level at which revenue and billing is posted. The unbilled account is pulled from the revenue or billing project level project account group, whichever is higher in the project tree. Because Costpoint automatically generates entries to revenue, billed, and unbilled, be sure to link the revenue, billed, and unbilled accounts to the organizations that own the project. You must also set up revenue and billed and unbilled accounts if you need to assign reference numbers to the revenue and billing accounts. If you post the revenue to the performing organization, you must also link the performing organizations to the revenue account. You do not need to link the performing organization to the billed and unbilled accounts.

    Although the posting of billings does not depend upon the existence of a BILLED A/R account at the project level, in order to enter a cash receipt against the BILLED A/R account, you must assign the account to the project at the level at which the billing/cash receipt is posted. In addition, if you are using a Revenue Formula of Equal to Project Ledger Sales, you should assign revenue accounts to the project.

    You need to assign accounts to projects only if they are entered on a maintenance screen, which for the Revenue, Billed, or Unbilled accounts might include Cash Receipts, Journal Entries, etc.; however, you do not need to assign them to post bills or revenue. You must always assign cost accounts to projects at the level at which charging occurs.

  • COGS Accounts: You must use a non-labor account for manually tracking cost of goods transfers.
  • Charge Accounts: For each detail level of the project (subtask, task, delivery order, and so forth), select charge accounts from the set of accounts that belong to the project's account group (set up in Step 1). The Function Codes used for these accounts (on the Manage Project Account Groups screen) are generally LABOR or NON-LABOR.

Additionally, for each summary level of the project at which you would like to have charging occur, you should also select charge accounts from the account group. A summary level of a project can have revenue and/or billing postings, and direct labor and ODC postings. You can post to any level of a project where valid project/account/organization combinations exist. Keep in mind that only charges at or below the revenue and billing level are included in revenue or billing calculations.

  • Organizations: If, on the Configure Project Settings screen (Step 1), you selected the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box, you can select the Limit which Orgs can charge specific Accts check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. This method allows you to select which organizations are valid on the project without having to specifically identify each chargeable combination. If you did NOT select the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box, you have access to the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. This check box allows you to select a method where the project and account combination must exist in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table in order to eligible for charging on the project. This is the equivalent of selecting Limit Accounts.