Process Encumbrances

You can use the screens in the Projects domain to process encumbrances.

To process encumbrances:
  1. Set up an encumbrance revision for the project on the Manage Project Budget Line Item Revisions screen.
  2. Enter the accounts and their ceiling amounts on the Manage Project Line Item Budgets screen.
  3. Enter timesheets, A/P vouchers, travel vouchers, cash receipts, journal entries, and requisitions.

    Proof the data entry by printing edit reports.

  4. Run the Compute Over Budget Transactions screen.

    This generates an exceptions report listing the transactions and amounts that have been disallowed. You can have disallowed transactions automatically marked with an Over Budget flag in the header subtask of each transaction in the screen of original entry. You can also mark this flag manually. If you choose not to flag the Over Budget transactions, the exceptions report still prints, but the transactions are posted unless you flag them manually.

  5. Increase the ceiling amount for any project/account amounts for which you have received additional funding, or add a new encumbrance budget revision, mark it as Current, and add new project/account ceiling amounts for this revision.

    You can also change the charge point to a different project/account combination or to a suspense account. Do not manually remove the Over Budget flag for any transactions that you are going to include in the re-run of the Compute Over Budget Transactions process. If no other actions have been taken on these transactions, Costpoint re-flags them.

  6. Re-run the Compute Over Budget Transactions process to clear any transactions that are no longer Over Budget.

    The Over Budget flags in the transaction headers is automatically cleared. You can also clear the flags manually at this point.

  7. Post the transactions.

    Any transactions marked as Over Budget are not posted.

  8. If you execute the period close process, Over Budget transactions are automatically moved to the next open subperiod, where they can be re-evaluated.

    If the period you are closing is the final period of the fiscal year, you must post all Over Budget transactions; you cannot close the year with unrecognized obligations.