Contents the Manage Employee Security Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Employee Security screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the employee for which you will enter U.S. and ITAR data. The employee must exist in the employee (EMPL) table and assigned to the Login Company in order to be used here.

Employee Name

This field displays name assigned to the selected employee in the Manage Employee Information screen.


This check box indicates whether the employee is flagged as a Contractor on the Manage Employee Information screen.

U.S. Person Status

From the drop-down list, select the option which describes the employee’s U.S. person status. This information is required if the employee is authorized for ITAR and the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.

If you select a U.S. person status of Not a U.S. Person, the screen automatically selects the ITAR Status - Not Authorized option in the ITAR group box. This action also disables other ITAR Status options in the ITAR group box.

Selecting any of the following U.S. person statuses will require you specify whether or not the U.S. person is authorized for ITAR.

  • U.S. Citizen
  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
  • Specify whether or not a U.S. person is authorized for ITAR by selecting an ITAR Status option in the ITAR group box

Green Card Information

Use the fields in this group box to store an employee’s green card information. This information is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
Field Description

Enter the employee’s Surname as provided on his/her green card. If you select one of the following U.S. person status values, the employee’s Last Name defaults in this field:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
Given Name

Enter the employee’s Given Name, as provided on his/her green card, in this field. If you select one of the following U.S. person status values, the employee’s First Name will default into this field:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158

    This field is required if the U.S. person status is one of the values in the preceding list and the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen

USCIS Number
  • Enter the employee’s United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Number as provided on his/her green card. The steps to becoming a Green Card holder (permanent resident) vary by category and depend on whether you currently live inside or outside the United States.  This field is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:
  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158

Alien Registration Number (“A” Number) or Alien Number — (Definition provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security) A unique seven-, eight- or nine-digit number assigned to a noncitizen at the time his or her A-file is created. The 9-digit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services number listed on the front of Permanent Resident Cards (Form I-551) issued after May 10, 2010, is the same as the Alien Registration Number. The A-number can also be found on the back of these Permanent Resident Cards.


Enter the employee’s Category as provided on his/her green card in this field. This field is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158

    Green Card Categories must be established on the Manage Visa Types screen before they can be assigned in this field.

Resident Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the employee became a permanent resident (as specified on the employee’s green card). This field is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls checkbox is selected in the Login Company’s Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
Expiration Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the employee’s green card expires as specified on the employee’s green card (this is not an expiration of the employee’s permanent residence). This field is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
Document Number

Enter the employee’s Document Number (also known as “Card Number”) as provided on the back of his/her green card. The Document Number is a 13 alphanumeric character value (3 alpha characters followed by 10 numeric digits). No special characters can be entered into this field. The document number is exactly 13 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). You must enter three letters followed by 10 numeric characters. You may not enter any special characters.

This field is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the U.S. person status is one of the following:

  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158
Date Verified

If applicable, enter, or click to select, the date on which the Verifying Employee verified the employee’s green card.


Use the fields in this group box to specify whether or not the employee is authorized for ITAR. This information is required if the Use ITAR/Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and you would like the employee to be assigned to an ITAR security group. An employee is eligible for a Security Group only under the following conditions:

  • He/she has an ITAR Status of U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR OR Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption.
  • He/she has an employee status of Active or Family Medical Leave

    When an employee is terminated and that employee is assigned to an ITAR/Security Group, you will have the following methods of updating his/her ITAR/Security Status on the Manage Security Groups screen:

  1. Manually set the employee’s ITAR/Security Group Status to Inactive in the Manage Security Groups screen
  2. Run the new Update ITAR/Security Status Based on Employee Setup utility. The utility will allow you to specify the parameters for assigning an ITAR/Security Group Status of ‘Inactive’ to an employee. The parameter options will be as follows:
      • Employee Status: Inactive AND/OR Inactive Accruing Leave
      • Termination Date as of processing date OR Termination Date as of specified date
  3. Upon changing the employee’s status from Active or Family Medical Leave to Inactive or Inactive Accruing Leave on the Manage Employee Information screen, you will be asked if you would like to update the employee’s ITAR/Security Status.
  4. Upon terminating an existing employee through the Import Employees application, you may opt to update the employee’s ITAR/Security Status.
Field Description
ITAR Status

Select the ITAR status that applies to the employee. These options are only available if the employee’s U.S. person status is one of the following as only an employee defined as a U.S. person can be authorized for ITAR:

  • U.S. Citizen
  • Lawful Permanent Resident as defined by 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(20)
  • Alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)
  • Alien admitted as a refugee under section 1157
  • Alien granted asylum under section 1158

    Selecting an ITAR Status of either U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR or Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption allows you to assign the employee to a Security Group on the Manage Security Groups screen. If the employee is authorized for a limited amount of time, you will need to enter the ITAR Start Date and ITAR End Date in this screen.

    If the employee has a U.S. person status of Not a U.S. Person, the Not Authorized option will be automatically selected and you will not be able to select U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR or Foreign Person with U.S. Department of State Authorization/Special Exemption.

    ITAR Status options are:

  • U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR (Stored as U)
  • Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption (Stored as F)
  • Not Authorized (Stored as N)
  • Not Applicable (Stored as NA)
Denied Person

Select this check box if the employee is not authorized for ITAR due to the fact that he/she is on the denied persons list. This check box is available onliy if the ITAR Status is Not Authorized.


The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (U.S. Department of Commerce) defines a Denied Person as, “A list of individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges. Any dealings with a party on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order are prohibited.”

ITAR Start Date

If applicable, enter or click to select, the date on which the employee became authorized for ITAR. If the employee is a U.S. person since birth, you may either leave this field blank or enter his/her birth date. If an ITAR Start Date is assigned to the employee, his/her Security Group Activation Date and Security Group Deactivation Date cannot be less than this date.

ITAR End Date

If applicable, enter or click to select, the date on which the employee’s ITAR authorization ends.  This field would normally be used when the employee is a foreign person (Non-U.S. person), but has Dept of State authorization or special exemption. If there is no foreseen end to the employee’s authorization, leave this field blank. If an ITAR End Date is assigned to the employee, his/her Security Group Deactivation Date and Security Group Activation Date cannot be greater than this date.

Verifying Employee

If applicable, enter the ID of the employee that verified the employee’s ITAR Status. This employee must exist in the Employee table.

Date Verified

If applicable, enter or click to select, date when the Verifying Employee verified the employee’s ITAR Status.

ITAR Notes Enter any notes needed to explain the employee's ITAR Status or other ITAR information.


Subtask Description
Security Clearances

Click this link to assign one or more security clearances to an employee.