Leave by Amount

When you track by monetary amount, this value increase entry is not required. Enter the employee's beginning balance in monetary amount on the Manage Leave Beginning Balances screen.

The Leave Edit Table stores the hours accrued, lost, and deferred. When you post the Leave Journal, the hours accrued and taken are multiplied by the current hourly rate, and then stored on the View Leave History screen in monetary amount. Costpoint derives the current balance by subtracting the YTD taken in monetary amount from the sum of the beginning balance plus the YTD accrued in monetary amount. Costpoint derives the current balance hours by dividing the current balance in monetary amount by the employee's current hourly rate. When an employee receives a merit increase, the value of the accrued leave is not increased, but rather, the number of hours available to the employee is decreased. However, if leave is taken within a reasonable amount of time from the period in which it was accrued, this does not have a significant affect.