Print Schedule Of Asset Activity Report

Use this screen, the Print Schedule of Asset Activity Report to print the asset "ownership" account cost activity from a selected beginning up to an ending point in time. 

This report includes the beginning cost balance, additions, disposals, transfers, and the ending balance.

Note: Asset "ownership" account and organization are required data for each Asset Master record. Project and reference number data is always optional. Ownership project/organization/account (POA) combination assignments follow normal Costpoint rules regarding validations, links, and so on, and there are no specific Fixed Assets rules regarding the type of G/L ownership data that can be assigned to an Asset Master record. Company-owned equipment usually is owned by asset balance sheet accounts. Government property is often owned by a project (as well as the account/organization). Expensed items that fall below a company's stated capitalization threshold but for which tracking is desired are often owned by a G/L expense account such as "Small Equipment Not Capitalized," and so on.

Although you can print cost data for the G/L Book and all optional books, you can print the data for only one book at a time.

You can print a detail report that prints data asset-by-asset or a summary report that rolls all asset data up to account/organization/project, as applicable, per the selection parameters. You can also print the data for a range of (including one), or all, asset/item numbers, asset accounts, organizations, and/or projects, and for one or a range of fiscal years and periods. Sort options are by ownership account, by ownership organization, by ownership project, by ownership account/organization, by ownership organization/account, or by asset/item number. You can also use the page break option for all sorts other than by asset/item number.

You can print data for depreciable and/or non-depreciable assets, and active records, inactive records, and/or disposals. If you include disposals in the report, you must also choose whether or not to include data from manual disposal entries.

You can capture changes to asset cost components (unit price, sales tax, and so on) made manually in Asset Master records or via global functionality in the Asset Audit Log if you have enabled this function for the cost fields on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen (in the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask).

You can also include changes to the cost fields as positive or negative values in the Additions column on the report.

This report prints in landscape mode. Because all the fields already exist in decimal format, you cannot print the data on the report in whole (rounded) numbers.

To remind you that this report may not include all the transfer data you expect, the system displays a "soft" warning message which tells that transfer data may be missing from this report because you have not enabled the ability to track transfers of asset "ownership" accounts, organizations and/or projects on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

Because data for this report can be retrieved and computed for historical fiscal years/periods, you can print this report whenever necessary to assist you in reconciling the asset cost accounts in Costpoint General Ledger to the balances in Costpoint Fixed Assets or in re-creating the activity in your asset accounts.