Setting Up Labor Categories and Time and Materials Projects and Level of Effort Projects

This step is not required unless the categories that you use for tracking and billing costs on a project are different than the general labor categories you assigned each employee in the Employee Master file.

If you do need to track employee charges in different categories, you must set up those project labor categories in the following order:

  • Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen: Use this screen to enter all of the project-specific labor categories that you require. In other words, before you can assign a specific labor category to a specific project, you must first enter it here, making this the global repository of all project-specific labor categories.
  • Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force subtask of the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force screen: The next step depends on whether or not you have completed the Project Work Force screens (Step 6). If you have created a work force, assign the PLCs to the employees or vendors on that work force.
  • Set up billing rates for Time and Material projects: For each labor category that you set up, you must enter billing rates, which are used for both revenue and billing computations. Each billing rate has a starting and ending date. Billing rates can be global for all projects (set up where you initially set up the PLCs), specific to a project (set up on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen), or specific to an employee or vendor within a project (set up on the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen. If you are computing discounts on PLCs, you must also enter the Discount Percentage in these screens. This column is not visible unless you selected PLC Discounts as the Discount Method on the Other Info subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.