Customs Info Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen to record customs and excise information for the customer invoice from the main screen.

Because all fields are optional on this subtask, you can use only those fields that are necessary for the selected invoice on the main screen.

Use this subtask at any time before posting this invoice. In addition, you must execute the Update Tax Report Tables screen.

If you want to produce an Accounts Payable voucher with only Value Added Tax (VAT) amounts on it, see Accounts Payable Voucher With VAT Amount for guidelines.

Value Added Tax Information

Field Description
Tax Code

This non-editable field displays the VAT registration number of the vendor entered on the VAT Info subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Tax Date

This non-editable field displays the tax date applicable for this invoice. By default, this field displays the invoice date from the main screen.

Tax Location

This non-editable field displays the tax location of the vendor entered on the VAT Info subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Customs Header Information

The information entered here applies to all rows of this invoice.

Field Description
Destination Country

Enter, or click to select, the receiving country for the selected invoice. The countries available are those saved via the Manage European Community Countries screen.

Traffic Direction

Enter, or click to select, the traffic direction for the selected invoice. The directions available are those saved on the Manage Customs Traffic Direction Codes screen.


Enter any permit or license for the selected invoice.

Intrastat Reference

If this invoice requires an intrastat reference, enter the number here. Intrastat declarations are required for goods and services sold between European Union countries. These reference numbers help to keep statistical records about the importing and exporting of each EU country.

Delivery Terms

Enter, or click to select, the delivery terms for this invoice. The items available for selection are those saved on the Manage Shipping Methods screen in Accounts Receivable.

Mode of Transportation

Enter, or click to select, the mode of transportation for this invoice. The items available for selection are those entered on the Manage European Community Mode of Transportation screen. This code identifies the type of transportation used to deliver the item to its destination.

For VAT certification in the United Kingdom, nine codes are defined:

  • 1: Sea
  • 2: Rail Transport
  • 3: Road Transport
  • 4: Air Transport
  • 5: Postal
  • 6: Not Allocated
  • 7: Fixed Installations
  • 8: Inland Waterway - noncreditable in UK
  • 9: Own Propulsion
Supply Date

Enter, or click to select, the supply date for this voucher. Initially, the invoice date will default into this field, but you can edit it.

For European and other overseas operations, the supply date is the same as the date of merchandise arrival and is used for the calculation of the value of the shipment (via currency exchange rates).

For most United States operations, the supply date is not used. Only the date of invoice (which is the same as the date of the shipment) is used for calculating the shipment value (via currency exchange rates).

Declaration Point

Enter, or click to select, the declaration point for the selected invoice. The declaration points available are those saved on the Manage Customs Declaration Point screen.

Customs Line Information

The information entered here applies only to the single, selected invoice.

Field Description

This field displays the invoice line from the main screen.

Ship from EC Country

Enter, or click to select, the EC country from which the selected line item was shipped. The countries available are those saved on the Manage European Community Countries screen.


Enter the weight of one item in the selected invoice. This field allows for one digit to the right of the decimal separator.

Unit of Measure

Enter the unit of measurement for the Mass field. Use abbreviations such as Kg or Lb.

Country of Origin

Enter, or click to select, the country of origin for the selected invoice. The countries available are those saved on the Manage European Community Countries screen.


Enter, or click to select, the Nature of Transaction Code (NOTC) for the selected invoice. The NOTC available are those saved on the Manage EC Nature of Transaction Codes (NOTC) screen.


Enter, or click to select, the EC commodity code for the selected invoice. The commodity codes available for lookup are those saved on the Manage European Community Commodity Codes screen.

Note: These Commodity Codes are different from those in Purchasing. These codes are a listing of "Harmonized Descriptions and Coding" as defined by the Custom Cooperation Council in Brussels. These codes were adopted by the United States in 1989 and are nearly identical in all countries. Please check the requirements of the countries to which you are selling.
Supplemental Units

Enter the number of supplemental units for the selected invoice. Supplemental Units are required where a second quantity is indicated based on the Intrastat Reference.


Enter, or click to select, the code for correcting a previously recorded transaction. For example, an omission in a previous month would be added into the current month with the correction code of 4.


Enter the monetary value of the selected line item.


From the drop-down list, select the identifying code for the selected line item.