What should I do when I get system errors during processing, saving, or data entry?

First, print a copy of the error message and accompanying text.

Do not continue, but immediately report the error to our support staff, which may need to see a copy of the error message. Continuing to process under error conditions without knowing the nature of the error may turn minor problems into major problems.

Note: In many cases you may be advised that it is safe to continue without causing further problems.

Try to re-create in your mind the situation under which you were operating when the error occurred and write down the sequence of events. What were you doing? What else, system-wide, may have been going on in Costpoint (for example, posting A/P, printing P/R checks, and so on)? Was this the first time this function had been performed? If not, was there anything different from the last time the function was performed? Have there been recent or current network problems? Have you recently installed a new release, a service pack, or a patch? The more specific information that you can provide, the better!