Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier

Costpoint calculates revenue based on the multipliers entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen or on the Manage Multiplier Overrides screen.

If multipliers exist on the Manage Multiplier Overrides screen, Costpoint uses these in the calculation. If no multipliers exist on that screen, Costpoint uses the multipliers on the Manage Revenue Information screen.

Costpoint applies Multipliers or Markup Rates entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen to all labor and/or non-labor accounts. If you want to apply different rates to the labor and/or non-labor accounts, set up multiplier(s) by labor and/or non-labor accounts on the Manage Multiplier Overrides screen. For units calculation, select the Calculate Revenue on Units check box and the Non-Labor Multiplier from the Manage Revenue Information screen is applied to all units.

Note: When Labor cost is charged, the PLC field is required for both revenue and billing purposes. It is not necessary to set up the PLC rate tables or link PLCs to the project, but the BILL_LAB_CAT_CD field should not be null in the LAB_HS or OPEN_BILLING_DETL tables.

You must first run the Load Labor Rates screen to populate the REV_RT_AMT column in the LAB_HS table. The program multiplies this amount by the hours to obtain the labor cost amount. It then multiplies this amount by the Labor multiplier amount on the Manage Revenue Information screen and places the amount that results from this calculation in the TOT_REV_ACT/ TGT_AMT columns of the PROJ_SUM table. It derives the non-labor revenue by multiplying the DIR_ALLOW_AMT by the non-labor multiplier on the Manage Revenue Information screen. The results of this calculation are placed in the TOT_REV_ACT/TGT_AMT columns of the PROJ_SUM table.