Eligibility and Enrollment Edits

The option you select in the Enrollment Validation Method on the Configure Benefit Settings screen determines how Costpoint handles edits.

The Enrollment Validation Method options are:

  • Error: Costpoint enforces the edit.
  • Warning: Costpoint displays a warning message.
  • None: Costpoint ignores the edit.


Field Description
Eligibility Edits
  1. Compare the employee's hourly/salary status to the status selected in the Hourly/Salary group box on the Eligibility Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
  2. Compare the employee type (Regular, Part time, or Temporary) to the type selected in the Employee Type group box on the Eligibility Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
  3. Compare the employee's age to the Minimum Age field on the Eligibility Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
  4. Compare the employee's hours worked (from EMPL_EARNINGS.TOT_HRS) to the Minimum Hours Worked field on the Eligibility Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
Enrollment Edits
  1. If you selected the Any Time check box on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen, no edits are performed.
  2. If you selected the On Hire check box on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen, the system date must be within the date range defined as the hire date + Grace Period Days.
  3. If you selected only the Open Enrollment Period check box on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen, the system date must be within the enrollment date range, defined as enrollment date + Grace Period Days.

If you selected the On Qualifying Life Event and Open Enrollment Period check boxes on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab of the Manage Benefit Plans screen, the system date must either be within the open enrollment period or the qualifying date must fall between the coverage option start and end date range, as specified on the Coverage Options subtask of the Manage Benefit Plans screen.