Manage Life Event User Flow Status

Use this application to view an employee's life event user flow status. ESS administrators can use this application to view what the employee has completed or not completed in the flow.

You can also use this screen to delete an employee's life event user flow record.

When an employee selects a Life Event in the ESS Life Events/New Hires module, the user flow assigned to that Life Event in the Configure ESS Life Events screen is automatically assigned to the Employee/Life Event/Life Event Date combination. ESS tracks an employee’s progress through the user flow and stores the Status of each module in the Life Event User Flow Status table. 

You can use this screen when you need to determine where an employee is in his Life Event user flow. You can also use this screen when you need to override an employee's user flow confirmation status, add a new module to the user flow, delete a module from the user flow, or change an ESS module's Status in the user flow.

Select the Confirmed check box to prevent the employee from accessing the user flow for the Life Event/Life Event Date. Clear the Confirmed check box to open the Life Event/Life Event Date's user flow so that the employee can make further changes in ESS. 

You may find that the modules assigned to the Life Event in the Configure ESS Life Events screen do not apply to every employee that has that Life Event. When this occurs, you can use this screen to modify the user flow.