Change Options Subtask

Use the Change Options subtask to specify if managers will be able change data without approval in Team Management applications, notify HR when changes occur in the employee records, and notify manager when their change is approved/rejected. 

You can also enter a default email address for an HR administrator.

Warning: The settings in this subtask are not yet available. This subtask will be fully functional in the Phase III release of Team Management


Field Description

This column displays the Team Management applications where your configurations will apply.

Require HR Approval for Changes

Select this check box if an HR administrator must approve changes before the updates take effect in the actual employee record.

Email HR Manager upon Change

Select this check box to send a notification by email to an HR administrator whenever a manager changes an employee record.

HR Email Method

From the drop-down list, select how HR administrators should be notified by email when changes occur in employee records. Valid options are:

  • Default Email: Select this option to use the address in the Default HR Email Address field.
  • HR Representative: Select this option only if you are using the Costpoint Personnel module and have linked HR representatives to organizations or HR organizations on the Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization screen or the Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization screen.

    If Costpoint's Configure Personnel Settings screen is configured to base manager defaulting on company-wide organization, select this option to send email notifications to the HR Representative assigned to the employee's organization on the Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization screen. Otherwise, if Costpoint's Configure Personnel Settings screen is configured to base manager defaulting on HR organization, select this option to send email notifications to the HR Representative assigned to the employee's HR organization on the Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization screen.

Default HR Email Address

Enter the email address where the change request notifications for the application will be sent. Email notifications will be sent to this address if a manager makes a change to an employee record. This field is only available if you select the Default Email option from the HR Email Method drop-down list.

Warning: The application does not validate the email address that you enter in this field. Deltek recommends that you enter email addresses carefully and test them before using this functionality.
Email Manager upon Approval/Rejection

Select this check box to specify if the manager should be notified when the HR administrator either approves or rejects their change to the employee record.