Organizational Security

Organizational security gives you the option to set up security at the organizational level.

The primary purpose of organizational security is to prevent unauthorized reporting or inquiry on organization data, not to prevent transaction entry. If you decide to use this feature, it applies to your entire system.

To set up organization security, you create organization profiles that either grant or deny access to your organizations. You then assign these profiles to organization security groups by module. At this level, you can further refine the security by disabling organization security by application within modules. You then assign each individual user to an organization security group on the Manage Users screen. After all setup is completed, you run the Update Organization Security Profiles process to create the Org Security Lookup table. This table reduces processing time when organizational security is in effect.

Organizational security implies project security and employee security. For example, if you have rights to a project's owning organization, you have rights to all the information relating to that project, assuming you also have access to all the screens necessary to obtain that information. Similarly, if you have rights to an employee's home organization, you also have rights to all information about that employee, assuming you have access to the necessary information screens. Keep in mind that you can set labor suppression individually by user.

Note: If screen rights security is more restrictive, screen rights security supersedes organizational security.