Options Tab

Use this tab on the Configure Organization Options screen to specify additional options you want to use for transferring organization information.


Field Description
Integration Type

From the drop-down list, select the integration type for this parameter record. Valid options are:

  • CRM/GovWin 4.1 (AI Engine): This is a legacy option for CRM/GovWin integration using the AI Engine.
  • GovWin Capture Management (Deltek Connector): This is a legacy option for GovWin Capture Management through the Deltek Connector.
  • GovWin Capture Management (Web Service): Select this option if you are running GovWin Capture Management integration using Vision Web Services. If you are using this method, run the integration using the Transfer GovWin Capture Management Data screen.
  • Deltek Resource Planning: Select this option if you are integrating with Deltek Resource Planning. If you select this option, run the integration process using the Transfer Resource Planning Data screen.
Use Last Processed Time Stamp

Select this check box to download organization information that is new or has changed in Costpoint since the last time the interface process was run. Clear this check box to download all applicable organization information in Deltek Costpoint, in accordance with this screen's settings, regardless of when the interface process was last run.

Organization Information

Use the check box in this group box to enable additional options for this process.

Field Description
Basic Information

Select this check box to download basic information from the ORG table.

Organization Options

Use this group box to specify additional organization options you want to use for this process.

Note: You must at least select either the Active or Inactive check box before running this process.
Field Description
Organization Level

Enter a numeric value that determines the starting organization level at which organizations exist in GovWin Capture Management or Deltek Resource Planning in accordance with the settings in this screen. Only organization IDs that are defined at the selected level or higher in Costpoint are transferred to GovWin Capture Management or Resource Planning.


Select this check box to include active organizations in the integration process.


Select this check box to include inactive organizations in the integration process.

Reorganization Options

Use these fields to specify how organization IDs are translated between Costpoint and GovWin Capture Management or Resource Planning. You can use the reorganization feature of Costpoint to set up an organization structure exactly as you need it configured in GovWin Capture Management or Resource Planning regardless of your actual Costpoint organization structure. You can also use your Costpoint organization IDs. If you use your existing Costpoint organizations, you can choose the number of levels that are represented.

In the adjacent field, enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the top-level reorganization ID whose mapping definition must be used during this download. Select the Use Reorganization check box to enable this field.

Field Description
Use Reorganization

Select this check box to use the reorganization structure. This check box enables the Exclude Top Level check box and Reorg field.

Exclude Top Level

Select this check box to exclude the top level of the reorganization ID during the download. This may be necessary if you are already using the reorganization feature in Costpoint and the length of the top-level reorganization element is not correct for GovWin Capture Management or Resource Planning. Select the Use Reorganization check box to enable this check box.