Screen Fields

Use the fields on the Commitments Inquiry screen to set up selection filters, sort options and other parameters for viewing commitments that were calculated by the Compute Commitments process.

Depending on your role or function, uses of this report include the following:

  • Supervisors may use it to view outstanding commitments for their employees.
  • Project managers may use it to view outstanding commitments for specific project.
  • An accounts payable clerk may use it to view outstanding commitments for certain groups of employees.


From this section, choose the types of commitments you want to include in the report.

Field Description
Last Calculated Date/Time

This non-editable Last Calculated Date/Time field displays the date and time that commitments were last calculated. The report will capture commitments that fall within this date. To capture more recent commitments, Compute Commitments must be run either by an authorized individual or as per a scheduled process.

Include Expense Reports

Select the Include Expense Reports check box to include amounts from expense reports.

Include Expense Authorizations

Select the Include Expense Authorizations check box to include amounts from expense authorizations, including advances in the report.


Use the fields in this section to determine which employee group(s) to include in the Commitment inquiry/report. Select the functional role first, and then select the groups assigned to that role.

Field Description

From the Function drop-down, select the role. For example, if your functional role is supervisor, select that role and the assigned groups that you supervise. These are displayed in the Select Employee Groups subtask.

Group Range

From the Group Range drop-down, select from the following options:

  • All — All groups assigned to functional role are included in the inquiry.
  • Selected — Select specific records you wish to include from the Select Employee Groups subtask.


Select fields in this section if you want the report to display commitments by project.

Field Description
Range Option

From the Range Option drop-down, select from the following options:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Expense Report Types

Select the range of expense report types to include in the inquiry/report.

Field Description

From the Range drop-down, one of the following options:

  • All — All groups assigned to functional role are included in the inquiry.
  • Selected — Select specific records that you want to include from the Select Expense Report Tasks subtask.

Sort By

Select one of the options in this section to determine how the report/inquiry results are sorted.

Field Description

Select Employee to sort the report/inquiry by employee.


Select Project to sort the report/inquiry by employee.

Select Employee Groups Subtask

Use this subtask to select groups that you want to include in the inquiry.

Field Description
Selected A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included when generating report results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.
Group This field displays the group assigned to the functional role.

Expense Report Types Subtask

Use this subtask to select the expense report types that you want to include in the inquiry.

Field Description
Selected A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included when generating report results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.
Description This field displays the Expense Report Type description.