Contents of the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen.


Field Description

This field displays the project to which the subcontractor invoice was charged. If Costpoint updated this record, you cannot modify this field. The name of the project is displayed in the non-editable field to the right.


This field displays the account to which the subcontractor invoice was charged. If you are manually initializing this screen you should enter an account here that has been set up as a subcontractor account on the Manage Billing Accounts screen. If Costpoint updated this record, you cannot modify this field. The name of the account is displayed in the non-editable field to the right.


This field displays the organization to which the subcontractor invoice was charged. If Costpoint updated this record, you cannot modify this field. The name of the organization is displayed in the non-editable field to the right.


This field displays the vendor that was used on the voucher of the subcontractor invoice. If Costpoint updated this record, you cannot modify this field. The name of the vendor is displayed in the non-editable to the right.

Invoice Details

This table displays information about the subcontractor invoices that have been posted.

Field Description
Voucher Number

This field displays the voucher number used to record the subcontractor invoice in Costpoint Accounts Payable. If Costpoint updated this field, you cannot modify it.

Invoice Number

This field displays the invoice number used to record the subcontractor invoice in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

Invoice Date

This field contains the invoice date used to record the subcontractor invoice in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

Invoice Type

This field displays the subcontractor invoice type, P-Progress Invoices or D-Delivery Invoices. You can designate the invoice type on the Subcontractor Info tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen and the Subcontractor Info tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Progress payment billing is used on projects that require a long lead time before deliveries are made or where substantial amounts of money must be expended before the contractor becomes eligible for partial payments on deliveries. Under this arrangement, you can submit interim bills that cover a percentage of your expenditures, even though deliveries have not been made. These types of bills are called progress payment invoices.

When you bill the customer for shipment of a finished good, this type of bill is called a delivery invoice. Delivery invoice amounts are reduced by a liquidation amount that liquidates the progress bills already paid. Therefore, when the customer pays the delivery invoice, the invoice amount paid is net invoice amount, which is the value of the shipment, less the liquidation amount, which is the amount of paid progress payment bills.

Subcontractors are subject to the same progress payment billing rules as your company. When you receive a delivery invoice from a subcontractor, you should enter the net amount of the invoice, which represents the amount owed to the subcontractor, on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. Enter the delivery, or shipped, amount in the Delivery Value field on the Header Info tab on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Header Info subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. The difference between the delivery amount and the invoice amount is the liquidation amount, which is liquidating the amount of progress payments the subcontractor has been paid. Therefore, the same method of billing full invoice amounts for progress payment bills and reducing delivery invoices by the liquidation amount can also be used for subcontractor invoices.

Invoice Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field displays the invoice amount from the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field displays the invoice amount from the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screens. However, since subcontractors are also subject to the rules of Progress Payments, this invoice amount has already been reduced by the liquidation amount before you enter the voucher.

Delivery Value

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field is not used because no shipment, or delivery, is made using a Progress Payment bill. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field displays the amount of the Delivery Value field from the Header Info tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Header Info tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. On the Progress Payment bill, this field displays the billable amount on line 9 or 10 for subcontractor delivery invoices.

Delivery Hours

If you use hours-based cost pools and this is a Delivery invoice, enter the delivery hours.

Liquidation Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field is not used because no liquidation is made using Progress Payment bills. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field displays the difference between the Shipment Value and Invoice Amount.

Paid Amount

This field displays the total of the Check Amount Applied column from the Payments subtask. Payment information is obtained from the Vendor Check History files (VEND_CHK and VEND_CHK_VCHR). This field cannot be modified.

Billed Amount

This field displays the amount of the subcontractor invoice that has been previously billed. For both progress payment and delivery invoices, this field is updated when you post the Progress Payment bills.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year in which the subcontractor invoice was posted. If Costpoint updated this field, you cannot modify it.


This field displays period in which the subcontractor invoice was posted. If Costpoint updated this field, you cannot modify it.


This field displays the subperiod in which the subcontractor invoice was posted. If Costpoint updated this field, you cannot modify it.


Select this check box to accept the goods that have been delivered. This field is automatically selected if the Invoice Amount and Paid Amount fields are equal.


This non-editable field displays the source of the subcontractor invoice: S (System) or U (User).

Total Payments

This non-editable field displays the total of the Check Amount Applied fields on the Payments subtask.


Subtask Description
Payments Click this link to open the Payments subtask, where you can review the check detail for the Paid Amount field.