Input File Layout

The Import Employee Leave Adjustments screen accepts an input file in a comma-separated value (CSV) format. The application will not accept a fixed-format file.

Use the following layout for the input file.

Field Field Name Employee Leave Journal (EMPL_LV_JNL) Column Format/Valid Values Required/Optional Default Value
1 Employee ID EMPL_ID

Max Length: 12

The value must exist in the EMPL table and be assigned to the login company.

2 Leave Type LV_TYPE_CD

Max Length: 4

The value must exist in the LV_TYPE table and be assigned to the login company.

3 Leave Code LV_CD

Max Length: 6

The value must exist in the LV_TABLE table and be linked to the specified leave type.

Optional If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to the leave code assigned to the employee/leave type combination in the Manage Employee Leave table.
4 Accrued Hours LV_ACCRD_HRS The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -999999999999.99 and 999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
5 Accrued Transaction Amount TRN_ACCRD_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
6 Accrued Functional Amount LV_ACCRD_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional *

If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.

If you are not using Multicurrency functionality, this value will be set to the Accrued Transaction Amount.

7 Deferred Hours LV_DFR_HRS The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -999999999999.99 and 999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
8 Deferred Transaction Amount TRN_DFR_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
9 Deferred Functional Amount LV_DFR_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional *

If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.

If you do not use the Multicurrency functionality, the application sets the field value to the Deferred Transaction Amount.

10 Lost Hours LV_LOST_HRS The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -999999999999.99 and 999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
11 Lost Transaction Amount TRN_LOST_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional * If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
12 Lost Functional Amount LV_LOST_AMT The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -99999999999999.99 and 99999999999999.99. Optional *

If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.

If you do not use Multicurrency functionality, the application sets this value to the Lost Transaction Amount value.

13 Regular Hours Basis BASIS_REG_HRS The value must have no commas. It must be a number between -999999999999.99 and 999999999999.99. Optional If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
14 Overtime Hours Basis BASIS_OT_HRS The value must have no commas. It must be a valid number between -999999999999.99 and 999999999999.99. Optional If the file does not provide this value, the field value defaults to 0.00.
15 Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Optional

If you use Multicurrency and the file does not provide this value, the application uses the employee's Currency from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as the basis for the default field value.

If you do not use Multicurrency, the field value defaults to NULL value.

16 Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Optional

If you use Multicurrency and the file does not provide this value, the application uses the employee's Rate Group from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen as the basis for the default value.

If you do not use Multicurrency, the value in this field defaults to a NULL value.

17 Currency Rate Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Format: YYYY-MM-DD Optional

If you use Multicurrency and the file does not provide this value, the application uses the open leave period as the basis for the default field value. The application uses the Multicurrency - Date Basis method from Configure Leave Settings screen for determining whether to use the open leave period start or end date.

If you do not use Multicurrency, the field value defaults to a NULL value.

18 Notes NOTES Max Length: 200 Optional* If the file does not provide this value, the application will use the Notes field value from the Import Employee Leave Adjustments screen. The Import Employee Leave Adjustments process will append all notes with the User ID of person who ran the process and the date when the process ran.
Note: *At least one of these values must be greater than or less than 0.00.