Manage Employee User-Defined Labels

Use this screen to define the labels for use in the Employee table.

You can also set up validated text and labels so that you can control what is entered in the user-defined fields. If there is additional information that you want to capture about an employee, you can set up a label on this screen. The label is then available in the Manage Employee User-Defined Information screen.

You can create validated text labels in either of the following ways:

  • Select the check box in the Validated Text column. Then use the Validated Text subtask to customize the information available when you use in the Employee User-Defined Information screen.
  • Clear the check box in the Validated Text column. Then click in the Costpoint Validation Field column to select the Costpoint data table column you want to be available for in the Manage Employee User-Defined Information screen.

You must set up the labels or validated text for user-defined fields here before they become available in the Employee table. Although you can set up labels at any time, Deltek recommends that you set them up before you enter any employees.


If you delete a label from these tables, Costpoint deletes all references to it from the employee tables.