Transfer a Project

Needs short description.

To transfer a project:

  1. Post all transactions for the transfer project to the General Ledger.

    This is verified when the project transfer is computed.

  2. Set up the Manage Project Transfer Information screen.
  3. Run the Create Project Transfer Journal Entries screen by clicking .
    • If errors exist, the Project Transfer Error Report automatically prints so you can verify and correct them. You can run the process until you have corrected all errors.
    • If no errors exist, you can run the process. The entries must pass all validations.
    • Entries are created in the JE_HDR_JE_TRN, JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL, and JE_TRN_LAB_VEND tables for current year transactions only.
    • The Transfer Project (PROJ_ID in the PROJ_XFER table) is set to Inactive.
    • The program inserts the JE number and process number into the PROJ_XFER_LOG table so that you can perform an inquiry in the General Ledger according to the JE number that was assigned to the project transfer.  
  4. On the Manage Journal Entries screen, review the journal.

    This is a non-editable screen, but you can delete the entire journal entry and recompute the Project Transfer. These journal entries are identified with a new journal code of PJE for Project Transfer Journal entry.

  5. On the Print Journal Entry Edit Report screen, print a summary of the transactions, by journal type, that are posted to the General Ledger.
  6. Post the journal entry or delete the journal entry created (see Step 10).

    To Post JEs:

    • The entries are posted to the following tables: GL_DETL, GL_POST_SUM, FS_SUM, JE_HDR_HS, JE_TRN_HS, JE_LAB_EMPL_HS, JE_LAB_VEND_HS, and REF_SUM.
    • The rows are deleted from following tables: JE_HDR, JE_TRN, JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL, and JE_TRN_LAB_VEND.
    • The transfer project is available for the Update Project Transfer History Tables screen.
  7. Print the Print Journal Entry Posting Summary Report screen.
  8. Run the Reverse Posted Journal Entry screen.

    The reversal of the posted journal entry updates the GL. This does not update the project transfer log (PROJ_XFER_LOG) tables because the source journal code is adjusting journal entry (S_JNL_CD = AJE).

  9. Run the Update Project Transfer History Tables screen.
    The Accounts Receivable, Billing, and Units Usage History tables are updated after the journal entry created by the Create Project Transfer Journal Entry screen is posted to the general ledger. All modifications are recorded in the PROJ_XFER_LOG and PROJ_XFER_LOG_LN tables.
  10. If you delete the journal entry, you can then make the necessary modifications to the Manage Project Transfer Information screen and recompute the project transfer.
Warning: If you do not run the Update Project Transfer History Tables screen (Step 9), you run the risk of overbilling the transactions on the receiving project.