Checks Disbursed Subtask

Use this subtask of the View Vendor History Inquiry screen to view all the checks that have been issued to this vendor.

You can then use this information to verify the year-to-date payment information on the main screen.

To see the payment history for a particular voucher, use the Checks Disbursed subtask available from the Vouchers subtask of the main screen.

All fields on this subtask are non-editable.


Field Description
Vendor, Vendor Name, Location

These fields display the vendor's ID, name, and location.

Total All Checks

This field displays the total of all checks disbursed for the vendor you selected, expressed in the functional currency of your company.

Table Window

Field Description
Chk No

This field displays each check number issued to the selected vendor.

Check Date

This field displays the date on which each of the checks was issued.

Joint Payee

This field displays the joint payee to whom the check was issued. You can add a joint payee on the Address tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Address tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for this check's pay currency (the currency in which you paid the voucher).

This currency may or may not be the same as the functional currency (the currency in which you maintain your general ledger) or the transaction currency (the currency of the invoice that you received from your vendor).

Pay Curr Chk Amt

This field displays the total check amount, expressed in your pay currency.

Func Chk Amt

This field displays the check amount, expressed in your functional currency.

Address Code

This field displays the code of the pay vendor's payment address. You link address codes to vendors on the Addresses subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

You must establish one address code as a default payment address code that defaults on the Address tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Address tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. If other payment address codes are available to use for the vendor, you can change the address code until you post the voucher.

FY Posted

This field displays the fiscal year to which the check was posted. When you print checks, the fiscal year specified on the Print/Void Checks screen determines the fiscal year used to post the check.

Period Posted

This field displays the period to which the check was posted. When you print checks, the period specified on the Print/Void Checks screen determines the period used to post the check.  

Subpd Posted

This field displays the subperiod to which the check was posted.

Void Date

For void vouchers, this field displays the date on which the voucher was voided. If the Status field on the main screen does not contain a V (Void), this field is blank. You void checks on the Print/Void Checks screen.

Void FY Posted

For void vouchers, this field displays the fiscal year in which the voucher was voided. If the Status field on the main screen does not contain a V (Void), this field is blank. You void checks on the Print/Void Checks screen.

Void Period Posted

For void vouchers, this field displays the period in which the voucher was voided. If the Status field on the main screen does not contain a V (Void), this field is blank. You void checks on the Print/Void Checks screen.

Void Subpd Posted

For void vouchers, this field displays the subperiod in which the voucher was voided. If the Status field on the main screen does not contain a V (Void), this field is blank. You void checks on the Print/Void Checks screen.

Cash Account

This field displays the General Ledger account from which the check was written.

You link the cash account, cash organization, and bank abbreviation to the cash account description on the Manage Cash Accounts screen. You link the cash account description to each vendor on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen.

You can change the cash account description on the Header Info tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Header Info tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Cash Organization

This field displays the organization from which the check was written.

You link the cash account, cash organization, and bank abbreviation to the cash account description on the Manage Cash Accounts screen. You link the cash account description to each vendor on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendors screen.

You can change the cash account description on the Header Info tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Header Info tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Ref 1

If a reference number is associated with this check, this field displays the number. Reference numbers display here only if you are using them in data entry rather than for reporting.  

Ref 2

If a reference number is associated with this check, this field displays the number. Reference numbers display here only if you are using them in data entry rather than for reporting.

Account Name

This field displays the cash account name from which the check was written.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name from which the check was written.

Ref 1 Name

If a reference number is associated with this check, this field displays the Reference 1 Name.

Ref 2 Name

If a reference number is associated with this check, this field displays the Reference 2 Name.

Status Code

This field displays the check status from the history tables. There are five possible status settings:

  • O: Outstanding
  • C: Cleared (currently, the cleared status is not a Costpoint-generated status from the Bank Reconciliation screens)
  • V: Void
  • S: Stop Payment
  • P: Purged


Subtask Description
Vouchers Click this button to open the Vouchers subtask.