Manage Asset Master User-Defined Labels

Use this screen to set up and define the labels for user-defined data that can be optionally added to the Manage Asset Master Information and/or the Manage Asset Template Information screens.

The user-defined labels on this screen are company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter labels on this screen for each company only by using the separate company login for each.

You can enter, edit, view, or use the labels on this screen only for your login company. If you have multiple companies, you cannot view, enter, edit, or use the labels from this screen for any company other than your company of login.

You can use these fields to record additional information that may be specific to your company but for which there are no system-defined standard fields with the desired labels.

You can enter, edit, or view user-defined data for the labels established on this screen in one of three ways:

  • You can use the User-Defined Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Asset Template Information screen
  • You can use the Manage Asset User-Defined Information screen (Asset Master records) and/or the Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screen (Asset Templates) to directly enter the user-defined data for an established record. (If you select this option, you can control user access to the Asset Master Records/Asset Templates menus and permit access only to the user-defined data by means of these two menu selections.)
  • You can use the Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes screen and/or the Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes screen to enter, edit, or view the user-defined data for an established record.

If you have selected check boxes on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen for any user-defined fields, the change details for changes to user-defined fields made on the Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes screen and/or the Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes screen will be captured and stored in audit log tables. You can view and/or print change details using inquiry screens and reports.

You can establish three types of labels on this screen: Date, Numeric, or Text. If you specify a Text label, you can enter non-validated user-defined data or you can use the Validated Text subtask. For Validated Text Labels, you can enter the allowable (validated) data in the Validated Text subtask. Alternately, you can select data from an existing Costpoint table as the source for validation. The primary advantage in using validated text data lies in the consistency of the entry format and the subsequent ability to print reports that use this consistent data format.

Although you can set up labels and validated text data at any time, you must establish this information before you can enter the corresponding user-defined data in an Asset Master record or an Asset Template record. To achieve consistency throughout your records, however, you should plan for and establish as much as possible of this setup data during your initialization procedures.

Note: As with all dependent data tables within Costpoint, you cannot delete a label for a row in this table window if user-defined data for this label currently exists in an Asset Master or Asset Template record.