Manage Overtime Rules By State

Use the Manage Overtime Rules By State screen to set up a control table used by the automatic overtime calculation feature for calculating the number of overtime hours for a given time period for a specific (Overtime) State.

You can define overtime rules differently for each state. If a record is found in this table for the overtime state, it is used to calculate the overtime hours. If a record is not found, an error occurs.


You must fill in this screen if you want to use the automatic overtime feature.

If you set up the Manage Overtime Rules by Location screen for a specific location and the timesheet line references that location, the Overtime Rules by Location table is used instead of the Overtime Rules by State table for those timesheet lines.


Use this screen, rather than the Overtime Rules by Location screen, if you perform your work within certain states and the rules are uniform within each state.

Initialize this screen after you have completed the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen. Establish the overtime state for each employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.