Subcontractor Management Information Tab

Use this tab to enter the name of the subcontractor employee.

Note: This tab is enabled when your company is licensed for Subcontractor Management.


Field Description

Enter the last name of the subcontractor vendor employee.


Enter the first name of the subcontractor vendor employee.


Enter the middle name of the subcontractor vendor employee.

Vendor Employee Status

Field Description

Select this option if the status of the vendor employee is active.


Select this option if the status of the vendor employee is inactive.

T&E Information

Field Description
T&E Employee ID

Enter the vendor employee's Time & Expense ID.

The T&E Employee ID is a key field in Costpoint and T&E interface applications, so it must be unique in the Vendor Employee Master file. You cannot reuse a T&E Employee ID for another vendor employee. The T&E Employee ID must also be unique in the Employee Master file where you cannot reuse for another Employee ID.

Note: Deltek recommends that you use a numbering convention for the T&E Employee ID to ensure that there are no overlaps or duplicates based on the above mentioned rules. For example, use V (for Vendor), VE (for Vendor Employee) or, S (for Subcontractor) as prefix for all T&E Employee IDs as what companies use today.

Approval Criteria


Field Description
User ID

This field displays the user ID of the approver.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the vendor employee which can be Approved, Pending, or Rejected.

Status Date

This field displays the date of approval of the vendor employee.