Import Project Budgets Process Flow

There are several assumptions for the process flow.

Assumption Description
1 On the Configure Interface Settings screen, set up the source file definition, the row inclusion and exclusion parameters, the source file row definition, and the source file column definition. When you save the source file column definition, the application builds the base mapping definition. You can view the mapping and source file structure that has been pre-defined for project budget revisions, but you cannot change it from the Configure Interface Settings screen.
2 The Configure Project Planner Mapping Definitions screen displays a list of the columns you defined in one grid and the Costpoint columns in a mapping definition grid. Define the source from which the expected data is coming for each Costpoint column in the Column Source field.
3 If the Column Source is File (input file), you must provide a source column number.
4 If the Column Source is Default (default value), you must provide a default value.
5 If the source of the data is to be obtained during import, provide no column number or value at this time. The application prompts you during the Import Project Budgets phase for any column where the Column Source is Runtime.
6 If the Column Source is Calculated, the application provides the appropriate value. The use of Calculated as a source of data in this release is supported for the following columns:
  • Synthetic Key - Project Forecast Direct
  • Date and Time record was updated
  • Costpoint User ID
  • Update Control Counter
  • Last Update Date
  • ORG_ID. The ORG_ID can be retrieved from the PROJ table and loaded into the input data if none has been provided in the input file.
7 During the import process, the application uses the input file, the run-time input values, and the mapping definition to validate and populate the proper Costpoint tables, depending on the Costpoint version and the budgeting option in effect.
8 Data is first parsed/imported into worktables and validated. Valid data is staged in worktables; erroneous data is staged into an error table. The application generates an error report for any invalid data. Several reports are available that you can use to see the valid data before updating Costpoint.
9 When you run the import under the Process Server, the application automatically imports all valid data. If it encounters errors, the application saves an error report to a file: c:\PplannerErrRpt.RTF.