How to Change a Fixed-Amount Revenue Formula to an LLR Revenue Formula

Follow a few steps to change from any formula to a Loaded-Labor formula.

To do this:

  1. Calculate or obtain the correct inception-to-date revenue for the project.
  2. Determine whether you are going to adjust revenue for all periods or for just the current period.
  3. Modify the revenue formula.

    When you enter the new revenue formula, Costpoint displays a message stating that, if you modify the revenue formula, all of the allowable columns for the current fiscal year are deleted. Click Yes if you are changing the revenue for the entire fiscal year. If you do not click Yes, the revenue formula is not modified.  

  4. Check for PLCs in the Labor Summary file.
  5. Set up PLCs and Billing Rates in the project labor area.
    Note: See "Labor Categories/Billing Rates" for assistance with this.
  6. Load Labor Rates for all the periods that are changed to the new revenue formula.
  7. Modify the revenue formula.
  8. Enter the inception-to-date revenue adjustment.
  9. Compute revenue and follow month-end procedures
  10. Review inception-to-date revenue.