Process Bank Transactions Acceptances

Use this screen to process one or more ranges of bank acceptances instead of clearing or unclearing individual or multiple rows on the Accept Bank Transactions screen.

If you change the cleared or outstanding code by using the process from this screen, you must use the Accept Bank Transactions screen to view the individual transactions and to make edits on a row-by-row or multiple row basis.

You can process only one transaction type (AP, CR, PR, or MAN) at a time in batch mode because of the possibility of duplicate transaction numbers among transaction types. You can, however, clear or unclear one or multiple transaction number ranges for the same transaction type during a single process.

You must set all transactions within the selected ranges to Cleared or Outstanding.

You must enter bank acceptance default settings for date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod if you are setting the transaction code to Cleared for the selected ranges. If you are setting the transaction code to Outstanding, the bank acceptance default fields are unavailable.

Run this screen before you view the updated data on the Accept Bank Transactions screen.