Company Property Subtask

Managers use this subtask on the Company Property screen to view the table of items assigned to the employee.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the item code that is assigned to the employee.

Item Description This field display the description of the item that is assigned to the employee. This field was previously labeled as "Item."

This field displays the number of items assigned to the employee.

Issue Date

This field displays the date when the items were assigned to the employee.

Return Date

This field displays the date when the employee returned the items.


This field displays the warehouse from which the item was assigned.

Stock Number

This field displays the stock number of he item assigned to the employee.


This field displays any other information about the property.

Change Request Action This field displays the type of action completed for the change request.
Change Request Status This field displays status for the change request, if applicable.
Status Date

This field displays the change request status date.

Notes This field displays the comments entered by the human resources manager and manager.