Reconcile Leave Balances

Use this screen to correct leave liability amounts in the General Ledger (G/L). You may need to use this screen if an employee's hourly rate changes.

When the employee's leave accruals and used leave post to the G/L, the corresponding leave liability amount also posts. Costpoint calculates the leave liability amount based on the number of accrued and used leave hours multiplied by the employee's hourly rate at the time of the posting. If an employee receives a salary increase or decrease, the leave accrual and expense accounts in the general ledger does not automatically adjust to reflect the change in hourly rate.

This screen also allows you to:

  • Transfer leave balances from one leave type to another.
  • Transfer leave balances from one set of GL charging values to another.
  • Reconcile leave balances of separate employees or reconciling accounts

If you transferring leave balances from one leave type to another, you need to perform the following before using this screen:

  1. On the Manage Leave Beginning Balances screen, query the employee record whose leave balance will be transferred.
  2. Enter the following information in the Balance Transfer Information group box and save your changes:
    • New Leave Type: Enter the leave type to which the employee's leave balance will be transferred.
    • New Leave Code: Enter the leave code to which the employee's leave balance will be transferred.
    • Leave Period End Date: Enter the end date of the period to which the leave balance will be transferred.