Additional Processing Details

Costpoint performs multiple actions to import input file data into Costpoint Base Tables.

To import input file data into Costpoint Base Tables:

  1. Costpoint deletes existing rows in the worktables.
  2. The application opens and reads the specified input file. The record type is determined from the first character in the record (D = Deduction, C = Contribution, and L = Leave record). Costpoint performs data type validations on input file data, writes any errors found to error table, and inserts data into the appropriate work tables.
  3. If the Override Leave Types from Leave Table check box on the screen is selected, the LV_TYPE_CD field read from the Leave records is overwritten with the LV_TABLE. LV_TYPE_CD. The LV_TYPE_CD is set to Null if the input file’s LV_CD = LV_TYPE.LV_TYPE_CD and the employee’s COMPANY_ID is not equal to LV_TYPE.COMPANY_ID.
  4. Various fields are checked to ensure that they do not contain Nulls or invalid data. Key fields are checked to ensure that they are valid keys. For each error found, the Line Number, Field Name, Field Value, and Error/Warning Message are written to the Error table.
  5. The original row from the input file is written to the Error file for each line number found in the error table. The corresponding input table records are also deleted.
  6. The Image tables are populated with data from employee records in the input table for employees that already exist in the Costpoint database tables (EMPL_DED, EMPL_CNTRB, and EMPL_LV_ACCRL). The Image tables are essentially mirrors of the Input tables and are used in the Audit report to show the user what information has changed.
  7. The number of error and warning messages encountered in the input file, and the number of new and changed records, are counted. These stats are presented to the user in the Audit and Error reports.
  8. The Audit report table is populated with the merged new and existing data values from the Input and Image tables. Records that show no changes to the existing data are deleted.
  9. Existing records are deleted from the Costpoint database tables (EMPL_DED, EMPL_CNTRB, and EMPL_LV_ACCRL) for any key combinations that are found to have changes in the Input tables. The new or changed data is then inserted into the Costpoint database tables from the Input tables.
  10. The Audit report table is updated with the employee name (FIRST_NAME, MID_NAME, and LAST_NAME fields from the EMPL table) for each employee (EMPL_ID) in the report.
  11. The Audit report is printed using the records in the audit table.
  12. The Error report is printed using the records in the error table.