Govt Info Tab

Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for the National Stock Number (NSN), year built, employee, and fifteen user-defined non-validated text fields.

You can use each standard and user-defined field independently on this screen, as desired.

The word "Government" is used in the title of this tab merely as an organizational title, and is not intended to limit your use of this tab. Use the user-defined text fields to set up any additional fields of your choice, regardless of their orientation.

You can optionally designate your choice of the label names for the 15 user-defined fields on this screen through the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen. It is not a system requirement that you establish labels for these fields. If you choose not to designate specific labels for these fields, the system will display default labels (for example, Govt1Label for the first user-defined field, Govt2Label for the second user-defined field, and so on). The labels for these fields automatically display in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Government Information screen.

Note: You can use the unlimited user-defined date, numeric, text, and/or validated text fields from the User-Defined Field Info subtask screen available from this application in place of or in addition to the fields on this screen. Your decision should be based on user preference and the type and organization of the data.

There are no system-required fields in this screen.

If you plan to use templates, you should enter data on this screen and in the applicable tabs or subtasks before you begin to establish your Asset Master records. You can use template functionality at any time, however. Although you can change the information on this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your edits, which may affect the types of records included in system reports.

Note: If you have used a template to "import" data into an Asset Master record and you later make a change to a template data field, the data change will not automatically be copied to the Asset Master record without user intervention. (In this circumstance, you will need to go back into the Manage Asset Master Information screen and tab through the Template No/Rev No fields to re-import revised data from the template. Alternately, you can also create a new template or the same template with an appropriate revision number that incorporates the change. Or you can bypass the template record and manually make the desired change directly in the Asset Master record.)


Field Description
Nat Stock No

For a new template record, enter a National Stock Number, as applicable.

For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired.

The data from this field will automatically display as the National Stock Number in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number.

Data from this field will automatically display in the Nat Stock No field in a new Asset Master record in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Government Information screen, if you specify the use of this template/revision number. The same display rules apply if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen or if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.

Year Built

For a new template record, enter the year of your choice, as applicable.

For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired.

The data from this field will automatically display as the year built in the Year Built field in a new Asset Master record in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Government Information screen, if you specify the use of this template/revision number, if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box of the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, or if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.


For a new template record, enter, or click to select, a valid employee ID "owner" in this field, as applicable.

Because the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the employee on the Manage Employee Information screen. Remember that custodial data is very specific, and may not be appropriate when you set up generic templates.

For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired.

Employee data is also optional in an Asset Master record in the Govt Info subtask on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Government Information screen.

The data from this field will automatically display in the Employee field in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number.

If you enter a valid employee ID in the Employee field on this screen, the system automatically displays the corresponding employee name (last name, first name, MI) from the EMPL table in the untitled field to the right.

Govt1 Label (or your label)

If you designate a label for Govt 1 Label in the Govt Labels for Asset Master group box of the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen, that label automatically displays in this field (for example, Contract No).

Although it is not a system requirement that you establish a label for this field, you will find it easier to follow your report data if you personalize the field label.

Each user-defined field on this screen can be used independently from the other 14 user-defined government information fields.

For a new template record, enter the data of your choice.

For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. For an existing template record, you can edit data that displays in this field or you can add new data to a blank field, as desired.

Govt2Label to  Govt15Label

Please refer to the documentation for theGovt1Label field.