Manage Fringe Ceilings By Local

Use the Manage Fringe Ceilings By Local screen to assign union non-cash fringe ceiling amounts to locals. 

The Compute Payroll application applies these ceilings to the non-cash and stamp fringe amounts it calculates. The ceilings are applied based on the timesheet line's local value. This screen is available only if the Union Fringe Ceilings by Local check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen. If the check box is selected but no ceilings are assigned to a local/fringe code combination in this screen, no ceilings are applied to that local/fringe code combination when payroll is computed. The Compute Payroll process generates a warning report listing those local codes that have not been set up here.


If the Union Fringe Ceilings by Local check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen, set up this screen before computing payroll for a union pay cycle.