Contents of the Manage NASA 533 Project Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage NASA 533 Project Information screen.

NASA Project

Field Description
Project ID

Enter, or click to select, a valid project number. This is a required field. The non-editable field to the right displays the name of the project.

Project Details

Federal Addressee

Information in this group box appears in the heading of the NASA 533 reports. These fields are not required, but omitting them results in incomplete reports.

Field Description

Enter the name of the contracting official or other designated recipient of the report.

Title 1

Enter the title of the report recipient.

Title 2

Enter an additional title of the report recipient.

Last Definitized Amendment

Enter, or click to select, the last definitized amendment for this project. This field prints in the heading of the reports. references the latest modification ID from the Manage Modifications screen. This field is not required, so no validation is done on this entry.

Authorized Representative

Enter, or click to select, an authorized representative from your company who is responsible for submitting the 533 reports to NASA. This field prints in the heading of the reports. references the fields in the Name group box on the Manage Employee Information screen. This field is not required, so no validation is done on this entry.

Scope of Work

Enter a brief description of the scope of work for this project. This field prints in the heading of the reports. This field is not required.

Contract Number

The Prime Contract No from the Details tab of the Manage Project User Flow is automatically displayed in this field, which prints in the heading of the reports. You can modify this number. This field is not required, so no validation is done on this entry.

NASA 533 Format

Enter, or click to select, a report format for this project. The values are from the Manage NASA 533 Formats screen.

Budget Revisions

Use the fields in this group box to specify which budget revision is to be used on the report columns. You can designate any of these to be used in the columns of the report. The Manage Project Budgets by Period screen is the source for this information.

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid budget revision for the monthly report. This is a required field. Information from this revision is used to complete the following columns on the NASA 533M report:

Name Column
Planned Month 7b
Planned Cumm. To Date 7d
Balance Of Contract 8c
Contractor Estimate 9a
Contract Value 9b

In this required field, enter, or click to select, a valid budget revision for the quarterly report. If no revision is entered, the revision from the Monthly field is the default. Information from this revision is used to complete the following columns on the NASA 533Q report:

Name Column
Current Month Estimate 7b
Cumulative Estimate To Date 7c
All Estimated Cost/Hours To Complete 8a - 8j
Contractor Estimate 9a
Contract Value 9b
Contract Value

Enter, or click to select, a valid budget revision for the contract value. Information from this revision is used for the Contract Value (column 9b) for the top level (level one) of the contract only; therefore, you can reference the same total budget revision, as new task budgets are being continually added. All lower level NASA 533M and NASA 533Q reports use the appropriate Monthly or Quarterly revisions for the Contract Value column. If you enter no revision, the revision from the Monthly field is the default. This is a required field.

Column 8a

Enter, or click to select, a valid budget revision for the monthly report. Information from this revision is used to complete the NASA 533M next month values (column 8a) for the Estimated Cost/Hours To Complete columns. If you enter no revision, the revision from the Monthly field is the default. This is a required field.

Column 8b

Enter, or click to select, a valid budget revision for the monthly report. Information from this revision is used to complete the NASA 533M month values for the month after next (column 8b) for the Estimated Cost/Hours To Complete columns. If you enter no revision, the revision from the Monthly field is the default. This is a required field.

Start of Current Contract Year

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid period for the start of the current contract year. Use this option to override the default reporting periods that are specified on the Configure NASA 533 Fiscal Years and Configure NASA 533 Accounting Periods screens, so you can print reports by contract year rather than fiscal year. Use this option only if you are printing NASA 533 reports with year-to-date amounts.


Enter, or click to select, a valid subperiod for the start of the current contract year.