Converting Employee GOV T Mandated Orders
The Employee Gov't Mandated Orders functionality has been de-supported for Costpoint 7.0.
If you are upgrading to Costpoint 7.0 from Costpoint 5.x or Costpoint 6.x, a conversion script automatically runs during installation to accomplish the following:
- Generate a Manage Employee Garnishments parent record (EMPL_GRN) for each Employee Gov’t Mandated Orders record in the database.
- Populate the EMPL_E_DED_GARN table with garnishment information so that the garnishment balance is correct when you close the payroll year.
Generate a Manage Employee Garnishments Parent Record
The conversion scripts use data from the Employee Gov’t Mandated Orders (EMPL_GARN) table to populate the parent Manage Employee Garnishments (EMPL_GRN) table. Because there was no Garnishment ID in the Employee Gov’t Mandated Orders screen, the ID is the Deduction code with the number 1 appended. For example, if the Deduction code from the Employee Gov’t Mandated Orders (EMPL_GARN) table is CSGARN, the Garnishment ID would be CSGARN1.
The Employee Garnishments (EMPL_GRN) records are built as follows:
EMPL_GRN Column | Field | Data Source |
EMPL_ID | Employee ID | EMPL_GARN.empl_id |
GARN_ID | Garnishment ID | EMPL_GARN.order_ded_cd with a 1 appended |
GARN_STATUS_CD | Garnishment Status | If the EMPL_GARN.active_fl =
Y, populate with
A (Active).
Otherwise, populate with S (Garnishment Satisfied). |
DED_CD | Deduction code | EMPL_GARN.order_ded_cd |
REMIT_ID | Remittance ID | EMPL_GARN.garn_remit_to |
GARN_WORK_ST | Work state | EMPL_TAX.suta_state_cd where EMPL_TAX.empl_id = EMPL_GARN.empl_id
If the employee’s EMPL_TAX.suta_state_cd is NULL, populate with the EMPL_TAX.wh_state_cd. If the employee’s EMPL_TAX.suta_state_cd is NULL and the employee’s EMPL_TAX.wh_state_cd is NULL, populate with the employee's Address State (EMPL.mail_state_cd). If all three states above are NULL, populate with the State assigned to the employee's Taxable Entity (TAXBLE_ENTITY.mail_state_dc). If all four states above are NULL, populate with AL. |
START_DT | Start date | EMPL_GARN.order_start_dt |
END_DT | End date | NULL |
PRIORITY_NO | Garnishment Priority | EMPL_GARN.order_priority_no |
RECPT_DT | Date received | EMPL_GARN.order_rec_dt |
ISSUE_STATE | Issue state | NULL |
ISSUE_COUNTY | Issue county | NULL |
CASE_NO | Court Order/Case number | EMPL_GARN.case_no |
ACCT_NO | Account number | EMPL_GARN.acct_no |
JURIS | Jurisdiction | EMPL_GARN.juris |
NOTES | Notes | EMPL_GARN.order_desc |
MODIFIED_BY | ID of the user who last created or modified row | DELTEK |
TIME_STAMP | Date and time of row creation or last modification | System Date and Time |
ROWVERSION | System-assigned number to handle row concurrency | 0 |
Populate the EMPL_E_DED_GARN Table with Garnishment Information
If the Garnishment Method column from the Payroll Settings table = O for a Company (PR_SETTINGS.garn_mthd_cd = O), another conversion script runs after step #1 to populate the EMPL_E_DED_GARN table with garnishment information for any employees assigned to the company so that the garnishment balance is correct when you close the payroll year. The conversion script uses the newly inserted Manage Employee Garnishment (EMPL_GRN) records to create Employee Earnings Garnishment Deduction records for any garnishment deductions in the Employee Earnings Deductions table. The script selects all Employee Earnings Deductions records where the following are all true:
- EMPL_EARN_DED.empl_id = EMPL_GRN.empl_id
- EMPL_EARN_DED.ded_cd = EMPL_GRN.ded_cd
- EMPL_EARN_DED.chk_dt >= EMPL_GRN.start_dt
- EMPL_EARN_DED.chk_dt <= EMPL_GRN.end_dt (if EMPL_GRN.end_dt is not NULL)
- EMPL_EARN_DED.empl_id is assigned to the Company that has a Garnishment Method of O in the Payroll Settings table.
The script then creates a child EMPL_E_DED_GARN record for each of the selected Employee Earnings Deductions records:
EMPL_E_DED_GARN Column | Field | Value/Source |
EMPL_ID | Employee ID | EMPL_EARN_DED.empl_id |
CHK_DT | Check Date | EMPL_EARN_DED.chk_dt |
S_PAYCHK_TYPE | Paycheck Type | EMPL_EARN_DED.s_paychk_type |
FY_CD | Fiscal Year | EMPL_EARN_DED.fy_cd |
PD_NO | Period | EMPL_EARN_DED.pd_no |
POST_SEQ_NO | Posting Sequence # | EMPL_EARN_DED.post_seq_no |
TAXBLE_ENTITY_ID | Taxable Entity | EMPL_EARN_DED.taxble_entity_id |
DED_CD | Deduction Code | EMPL_EARN_DED.ded_cd |
GARN_ID | Garnishment ID | Populate with the Employee/Garnishment Deduction combination's EMPL_GRN.garn_id |
S_DED_TYPE | Deduction Type | DED_CD_CORP.s_ded_type where ded_cd = Garnishment Deduction Code being processed |
GARN_AMT | Garnishment Amount | EMPL_EARN_DED.ded_amt |
MODIFIED_BY | ID of the user who last created or modified row | DELTEK |
TIME_STAMP | Date and time of row creation or last modification | System Date and Time |
ROWVERSION | System-assigned number to handle row concurrency | 0 |
After installing Costpoint 7.0, you must update the deduction types currently assigned to the garnishment deductions. The valid deduction types for the Employee Gov’t Mandated Orders functionality were:
- Garnishment of Wages
- Child Support Payments
- Tax Levy
These three deduction types are not valid for use with the Costpoint 7.0 Employee Garnishments functionality. You must open the Manage Deductions screen, query each of the existing garnishment deductions, and change the Deduction Type to one of the new garnishment deduction types:
- Student Loan Garnishment
- Creditor Debt Garnishment
- Federal Admin Garnishment
- Child Medical Support
- Child Support Garnishment
- Federal Tax Levy
- State Tax Levy