Define Rate Sequence

Use the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen for PLC validation and for the selection of labor rates for billing and revenue.

Costpoint uses the following methods to perform these tasks:

  • PLC Validation: Costpoint validates PLCs based on the Source Project on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen. The project entered in the Project field is the transaction project or the project that is entered in the transaction screen. It must be the transaction level of the project or the top-level project if the Use Top Level Work Force check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. The source project is the project that Costpoint uses to validate the PLC used with the transaction project in the transaction entry screen. Costpoint substitutes the source project for the transaction project when performing PLC validations. The transaction project and the source project are very often the same project number. Use a source project that is different from the transaction project if you have an existing project that has the same PLC and labor rate requirements as the project that you are initializing. You must set up a record on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen for all projects that use PLCs.
  • Labor Rate Selection: The Load Labor Rates screen uses the source project, PLC, sequence number, and effective date range on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen to select the labor rates to be inserted into the Open Billing Detail and Labor History tables. The Source Project on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen is used to select labor rates. Very often the transaction project and the source project are the same, but when they are not the same, the source project is used. Since project labor rates can be set up in several screens, you must establish a sequence of screens that the Load Labor Rates process uses for selecting labor rates. The labor rate selected must also have an effective date range that includes the effective date on the Manage Project Labor History screen and the Manage Open Billing Detail screen. The Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen contains codes that refer to the screen in which labor rates are located for that project. Select the code of the first screen from which you want to select labor rates. This screen must be assigned a Sequence number of 1. The next screen from which you want to select labor rates must be assigned a Sequence number of 2, and so forth. The Load Labor Rates process continues through all the sequences on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen until one is found for the PLC and effective date range. If no matches are found, no rate is inserted into the billing and revenue tables. The Costpoint-defined rate table codes are as follows:
  • C (Set up Project Labor Categories): These labor rates are on the Billing Rates subtask of the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.  They are the company-wide rates.
  • PC (Project PLC Rates): These labor rates are on the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen and are considered project-specific labor rates.
  • PEC (Project PLC Rates by Employee): These labor rates are set up in the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Employee/Vendor screen. These labor rates are those that are associated with the project work force.
  • PVC (Project PLC Rates by Employee/Vendor): These labor rates are set up in the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Employee/Vendor screen. These labor rates are those that are associated with the project work force.