How to Set Up Target and Provisional Rates

After you have created each pool and assigned account/organization combinations, enter target, provisional, and cost of money (if applicable) rates or amount per hour (for hours-based pools) on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen.

Click and, for each period within the fiscal year shown on the screen, enter the target rates in the Pd Target and YTD Target columns, provisional rates (used in billing) in the Pd Provisional and YTD Provisional columns, and cost-of-money rates in the Pd Cost of Money and YTD Cost of Money columns. On the Configure Project Settings screen, choose whether to use current period or year-to-date rates when burdening your projects and your billings.

Target rates are used for estimating the indirect costs on projects at standard rates. Target rates are also used in the calculation of revenue. If you do not have a separate set of rates for estimating purposes, use your provisional rates. Provisional rates are used for billing purposes, and often the target and provisional rates are the same. Cost-of-money rates are used both for revenue calculation and for billing. You can modify any of these rates as often as necessary.