Header Info Tab

Use this tab of the Manage Vendor History screen at any time during voucher entry.

It stores information relating to the voucher header such as Value Added Tax (VAT), purchase order, and Accounts Payable account information.

VAT Info

Field Description
Tax ID

Enter, or click to select, the tax ID for this vendor's Value Added Tax (VAT). The only items available for lookup in this field are those that were entered for the vendor on the VAT Info subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Taxing Date

Costpoint uses this field as the reference date for VAT transactions. The default taxing date is the date on which the voucher is entered, but can be the receipt date for goods purchased. This field is applicable only to certain tax situations.

Tax Location

This field displays the tax location. The tax location is linked to the tax ID and was entered on the VAT Info subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.

Entry Info

Field Description
User ID

This non-editable field displays the user ID of the last user who saved changes on this header.


This non-editable field displays Costpoint date of the last saved change on this header.

Anticipated Pay Date

Use this field to keep track of scheduled payment dates. When you enter the Accounts Payable voucher on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen, the Anticipated Pay Date field defaults to the due date that was entered on, or calculated by Costpoint on, the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen. You can change this field any time before paying the voucher. You can also change the anticipated pay date in the Antic Pay Dt field on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.

Expense Report ID/Advance ID

This non-editable field displays the associated expense report or advance identifier, if any. The label of this field changes accordingly.

Pay When Paid

This check box is enabled and selected when the vendor is selected as a Pay When Paid vendor. To enable this check box, change the pay-when-paid status on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen. Costpoint disables the check box for those vouchers that were not entered through the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen and posted through the Post Vouchers screen.

Purchasing Information

Field Description

If you are not using Purchasing, you can enter a purchase order number relating to this voucher as a reference only. The purchase order number that you enter does not affect the calculation of commitments.

If you are viewing vouchers that are already posted, the Purchasing purchase order number displays in this field only for purchase order vouchers.

For Accounts Payable vouchers, this field is usually blank. However, if you entered a purchase order number for reference, that number displays here.


If you are not using Purchasing, you can enter a release number for the purchase order relating to this voucher as a reference only. The purchase order and release number that you enter do not affect the calculation of commitments.

If you are viewing vouchers that are already posted, the Purchasing release number displays in this field only for purchase order vouchers.

For Accounts Payable vouchers, this field is usually blank, but if you entered a release number for reference, that number displays here.

A/P Account Description

Enter, or click to select, the Accounts Payable account description in this field.


Enter, or click to select, the Accounts Payable account for this voucher. The Accounts Payable account assigned to this vendor is offered as a default. When you tab to the next field, Costpoint validates that the account number is not a summary account, the account is active, and the account allows charging for the fiscal year, period, and subperiod on this voucher. Costpoint displays a message if the account fails any of the above validations.


Enter, or click to select, an organization number. The organization assigned to this vendor is offered as a default. When you tab to the next field, Costpoint validates that the organization is active and that the organization allows charging for the fiscal year, period, and subperiod on this voucher. Costpoint displays a message if the organization fails any of the above validations.

Ref 1

Enter a reference number for this charge line. The heading for Reference 1 displays your label for this field. The Reference 1 number assigned to this vendor is offered as a default.

Ref 2

Enter a reference number for this charge line. The heading for Reference 2 displays your label for this field. The Reference 2 number assigned to this vendor is offered as a default.