Contents of the Manage Pay Periods Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Pay Periods Screen.

Pay Periods

Field Description
Pay Cycle

Enter a code to uniquely identify the pay cycle. Costpoint supports weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly pay frequencies. Each of these four types can also be subdivided into multiple pay cycles. For example, you can have several payrolls that are processed separately for employees who are paid weekly. This scenario could be set up as WK1, WK2, WK3, and so on, all being assigned to a weekly pay frequency. In the same system you could have BWK1, BWK2, and so on, assigned to bi-weekly pay frequencies. You can establish an unlimited number of pay cycles.

You must assign each active employee to one of these pay cycles in the Manage Employee Taxes screen.


Enter a descriptive name for the pay cycle.


Use this drop-down list to specify the frequency type of the pay cycle. This is used to determine the type of withholding calculations that are used. Valid types are: 

  • Semi-Monthly: Pay cycle period ending on the 15th and the end of the month
  • Weekly: One week in pay cycle period (7 days)
  • Bi-Weekly: Two weeks in the pay cycle period (14 days)
  • Monthly: Pay cycle ending at the end of the month
Enable Multi-State Tax Withholding

Select this check box to enable the Multi-State Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Taxes screen. The multi-state functionality allows you to properly calculate withholding taxes for employees who work in multiple states during a single pay period.


Enter, or click to select, the local ID that has been set up on the Manage Union Profile Setup screen to be used for this pay period. This field is used to establish the pay period for union/prevailing wage employees if you are using the Union functionality.

Add Pay Periods

Use items in this group box to quickly add as many pay periods as you want, a year, or just a few periods. Usually you add one only payroll year at a time to avoid editing the Payroll Year field in the table window. The number of pay periods entered determines how many are added. Alternatively, you can enter each pay period individually in the table window.

Field Description
Payroll Year to be Added

Enter the four-digit year for which you are building this table. This field is used in conjunction with the fields immediately following. It fills in this year as the payroll year (Payroll Year) for all lines during the automatic filling of the Pay Cycle Schedule table. Only one payroll year can be used for this function. Therefore, if you build a Pay Cycle Schedule for multiple years, this year appears on all lines and you must manually edit the Payroll > Year column in the Pay Cycle Schedule table.

Number of Pay Periods

Enter the number of pay periods you want to add to the table window. This numeric field is used in conjunction with the First End Date field when you use the Add button to automatically fill the Pay Cycle Schedule with the specified number of pay periods according to the frequency selected for this cycle.

For example, if you want to add one full year's pay periods, and if the pay cycle is semi-monthly, set up 24 periods for the year; if weekly, 52; if monthly, 12; and if bi-weekly, 26. After you select the first end date, the pay period start dates and end dates are calculated and automatically filled in the Pay Cycle Schedule table. Click the Add button to activate the automatic fill calculation that populates the table.

When the periods are added to the table, the Open > Flag check box is cleared, and the Payroll > Year and Regular > Hours are the year and hours you entered in Payroll Year to be Added and Regular Hours fields.

First End Date

Enter the pay period end date for the first pay period you want to add. This must be the last timesheet day for the period to be paid. For example, if you normally have a five-day lag between the last day of the timesheet and the paycheck date, enter the timesheet date, rather than the pay date.

This formatted date field is optional and is used as the starting point for adding entries to the Pay Cycle Schedule table. Costpoint uses a date format of MM/DD/YYYY. Using the Frequency and the Number of Pay Periods, Costpoint calculates the dates in each period and adds them to the table.

If entries already exist in the table, additional entries appear on the last row of the table. Rows can be inserted, but dates must not overlap. You cannot save a record with dates overlapped.

Last End Date

This non-editable field derives from the above Number of Pay Periods, the First End Date, and the Frequency. Using this information, Costpoint calculates and displays the Last End Date. If you click the Add button, this will be the last pay cycle period end date that is added to the table. It is important to note that if this end date expands into a future payroll year, you must modify the PayrollYear for all lines that are relevant to that future year.

Regular Hours

Enter the number of regular (non-overtime) hours in the pay period. This field is optional and is used in conjunction with the fields immediately following. It fills in this number of hours in the RegularHours for all lines related to the automatic filling of the Pay Cycle Schedule table. You can edit the RegularHours column in the Pay Cycle Schedule table. Regular Hours are required to save the record.


Click this button to add pay periods to the table window. This button is available after you enter all data in the Add Pay Periods group box. Once your cursor is in the table window, you can perform various edits if necessary.

Benefit Module Options

The Update Employee Package Deductions screen uses this setting to ensure the deduction start date and deduction end date assigned to the benefit deduction will result in Payroll processing the deduction/contribution at the correct time. The deduction/contribution amount will be prorated if applicable.

The benefit (non-FSA/HSA) premium amounts on the Life Events/New Hires screen and Benefits Enrollment screen are also based on the Deduction/Contribution Timing assigned to the employee's pay cycle.

Field Description
Update Employee Package Deductions - Deduction/Contribution Timing Use these options to specify when benefit deduction or contribution premiums for employees in this pay cycle will be processed by payroll. Valid options are:
  • Deduct based on premium as of the open pay period end date: Select this option if employees will pay for the benefits they have as of the pay period end date.
  • Deduct based on premium as of the open pay period start date: Select this option if employees will pay for the benefits they have as of the pay period start date.
  • Deduct based on premium as of the check date: Select this option if employees will pay for the benefits they have as of the check date.
  • Pay per day and prorate. Deduct before the pay period: Select this option if employees will pay for the benefits before the pay period in which the employee is covered. This will prorate the premium if there are two different coverages within the same pay period.
  • Pay per day and prorate. Deduct after the pay period: Select this option if employees will pay for the benefits after the pay period in which the employee is covered. This will prorate the premium if there are two different coverages within the same pay period.
Note: These options are available if you are licensed for Costpoint Human Resources (HR) - Benefits.
Warning: For Costpoint Benefits users, a warning will display when you run the Compute Payroll process for an open pay period with the following Deduction/Contribution timing settings, without running the Update Employee Package Deductions process:
  • Pay per day and prorate. Deduct before the pay period
  • Pay per day and prorate. Deduct after the pay period


Subtask Description
Pay Cycle Schedule Click this link to update or add new pay periods for a pay cycle. This subtask displays the Start Date, End Date, Check Date, an Open flag, the Payroll Year, and Regular Hours for each pay period in a given pay cycle.