Print Bank Reconciliation Summary Report

Use the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report screen to print a report that is identical to the online summary reconciliation that you can view from the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen.

Before you can print data for this report, you must first run the Create Bank Transactions History process to create the Bank Transactions History, and then clear checks using either the Accept Bank Transactions or Process Bank Transactions Acceptances screens.

For General Ledger items, the report prints the beginning book balance and the period totals for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and manual adjustments. Costpoint calculates and prints the ending book balance from this data.

For Bank Statement items, the report prints the bank statement ending balance, deposits in transit, outstanding checks, and manual adjustments, as well as unmatched cash receipts and disbursements. Costpoint calculates and prints the adjusted bank statement balance.

The detail transactions that make up each summary line displayed on the report can be printed from the Bank Print Bank Reconciliation Detail Reports screen. As an alternative to printing report data, you can also view the summary and detail data from the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen. The bank statement reconciliation process should always be part of the internal procedures established by your company. After bank reconciliation is complete, retain a copy of this report with your bank reconciliation files.