Changing an LLR or a CPFC/CPFH Revenue Formula to a Fixed Amount Revenue Formula

Loaded labor and cost-plus-type revenue formulas are transaction-based and, unless a ceiling has been exceeded or a revenue adjustment has been made, the revenue account does not appear in the PROJ_SUM table.

The revenue is generally on the lines that have a direct costs account number in the ACCT_ID column.

Modify the revenue formula. When you enter the new revenue formula, Costpoint displays a message stating that, if you modify the revenue formula, all of the allowable columns for the current fiscal year are deleted. Click Yes if you are modifying the revenue for the entire fiscal year. If you do not click Yes, the revenue formula is not modified.

The fixed-revenue formulas calculate revenue as follows:

Fixed Amount Year To Date

When using this formula, Costpoint compares the amount entered as the YTD revenue on the Manage Revenue Information screen to the sum of all revenue recognized for the fiscal year up to and including the current subperiod in PROJ_SUM. It then subtracts the sum of the YTD revenue in the PROJ_SUM table from the amount entered on the Revenue Information screen to arrive at the amount of revenue year to date not yet recognized. This additional amount appears in the PROJ_SUM table as a separate row with the revenue account in the ACCT_ID column and the additional amount in the OTH_FEE_ACT_AMT and OTH_FEE_TGT_AMT columns.

Fixed Amount Month To Date

When using this formula, Costpoint compares the amount entered as the MTD revenue on the Manage Revenue Information screen to the sum of all revenue recognized for the period up to and including the current subperiod in PROJ_SUM. It then subtracts the sum of the MTD revenue from the amount entered on the Revenue Information screen to arrive at the amount of revenue period to date not yet recognized. This additional amount appears in the PROJ_SUM table as a separate row with the revenue account in the ACCT_ID field and the additional amount in the OTH_FEE_ACT_AMT and OTH_FEE_TGT_AMT columns. If you do not clear the revenue for the prior periods, there is no affect on that revenue in the current period, since this formula does not calculate YTD. A revenue adjustment may be necessary to bring the inception-to-date revenue to the correct amount.

Fixed Amount Contract To Date

When you use this formula, Costpoint compares the amount entered as the CTD revenue on the Manage Revenue Information screen to the sum of all revenue recognized for the contract to date up to and including the current subperiod in PROJ_SUM and PSR_PY_SUM. It then subtracts the sum of the CTD revenue from the amount entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen to arrive at the amount of revenue contract to date not yet recognized. This additional amount appears in the PROJ_SUM table as a separate row with the revenue account in the ACCT_ID field and the additional amount in the OTH_FEE_ACT_AMT and OTH_FEE_TGT_AMT columns. 

The row with the adjusting amount appears at the level of the project to which revenue is being posted.